Wednesday, November 14, 2012

The Juniors Breach MyQueens

     Registration. Possibly the most stressful parts of the College experience are the days when you wait until the clock strikes 12 and you race to get into your classes. The weeks leading up to this event are what I like to call the scheduling weeks. The only question you hear is, “Do you have your schedule figured out yet?!”
     Personally, registration, and school supply shopping are my favorite parts of school, but for others, registration can be a panic filled night that has the ability to end with horrible results.
     This is what my registration night looked like. Two of my four roommate and I were sitting in the living room, computers on our laps checking and rechecking our multiple schedule mockups. Mind you, we had hunkered down at about 10pm. The next step involved going through the different courses that we needed and figuring out which ones we should attack first. (We are all juniors, so the seniors had had first pick on the courses). Once we had planned our counterattack, all that was left to do was wait.
     The clock slowly ticked on and our anxiety began to grow. Facebook was filled with nervous students anticipating the second hands final stroke until midnight. And then it happened. Our Internet began to slow down! All three of us frantically clicked away to other websites trying desperately to make the registration page reload. By this time our countdown was nearly up and the race to the “apply course” button was about to begin. Finally, the page opened and the room became silent and still. The three of us focused on our computers and the fate that the small boxes we were clicking would have on our futures.
     At last, at about 12:15am, the siege of myqueens had ended. We were registered for our classes and sat back in our chairs reveling in our victory. Within seconds, our phones began to blow up with the one question on everyone’s mind, “Did you get your classes!?!”
     Regardless if you go to Queens or not, I am sure that the experience explained is very similar at your University. The stress, the panic and then the relief when it is all finished. If you have registered for the spring term already then I truly hope you got into all of the courses you had planned to, and if you are currently gearing up to register, then good luck to you. “Hoo-Rah!”

Until Next Time,
Jenna Buthman


  1. I'm a freshman and registered for my classes for the first time at the beginning of November. I feel as though the hardest and most stressful part was trying to load my page once the courses opened. It took my 23 minutes just to load the myQueens course page because everyone was trying to get on at the same time! Once I got on however, I was able to get all my classes and was out in 10 minutes. The hardest part truly is the mental aspect and actually getting on to the site.

  2. Yes it is so stressful! I think it would be alot better if the computers wouldn't completely freeze the moment you try to start picking classes. But usually its a better than it seems cause though it seems like it takes forever usually people get done within like thirty minutes unless their computer is just completely shot. Im only surprised that the system doesnt just shut down every time we do it simply cause of all the people.I think it will probably be the same always, we stress about it but we do it anyway and by the end everyone just says "oh it wasnt that bad". But I will still forever and always despise the process of registering for classes.

  3. I completely agree with Jordan. Signing up for classes is the worst time of the year. Last semester I was able to get all of my classes but this semester I wasn't so lucky. I am still in the process of figuring everything out. However, I feel as if we are luckier than most; Queens is a small University. Imagine singing up for classes at Chapel Hill or Duke or the University of Georgia. I shudder at the thought. I'm glad I'm not the only person who started getting ready really early. I hope next semester I can get all the classes I want and need.

  4. The funniest part was that where I worked, there were a load of freshmen trying to get on the wifi to register for class because the Queens wifi was acting slow. Thankfully I had been able to get onto myqueens much much earlier therefore I didn't have to worry about succumbing to the rush of people trying to get all their classes in.

  5. Registering for classes is bar none one of the funniest times at Queens. You can sense the panic days in advance and especially right before 12pm! Every time i have had to register for classes i have been relatively lucky, getting all the courses i want and never having my computer crash or begin slowing down. I do know that some of my friends have not been so fortunate and i am sorry to say that it was hilarious watching them go through the struggle. No doubt having that many people on the same page at once causes serious troubles to the network but i think Queens does a fairly good job of keeping everything running smoothly. its not an easy task looking after a few thousand students on one network.

  6. As a freshman trying to register for classes was truly terrifying. The entire Queens campus was hyped up in panic. Our freshman class Facebook page had scared postings from students. There was so much that could go wrong during the entire process. Fortunately, I was able to get on right away and in 15 minutes was done and had the schedule I wanted. Afterwards my friends and I sat around in shock. The worst part of registration was the mental panic before hand; we were filled with so much adrenaline by the time the clock struck midnight that we couldn't contain screaming throughout the process. Thankfully we got into our classes and next semester looks pretty great!

  7. As a Sophomore my registration went very similar to the way yours did. Roommates and I all sat in a room trying to avoid the myqueens page until right at about 11:59. As you already know the hardest and slowest part is the class pages loading. After a roughly 30 minutes all my classes fell into place with just a few wait listed classes. I totally agree that registering for classes is one of the most stressful nights throughout the semester.

  8. Registering for classes can be a stressful process, especially when you do not get into the courses you need for your major. Every year, we wait until midnight to register and most of the time, it is a very slow process. Between the server being busy and the rush in trying to select a class first, it can be very problematic. I personally have not had any trouble registering for classes, but occasionally I don't into the classes I wanted or the time periods I needed. Overall, patience is a key while registering for classes. Usually, if you have the patience and don't panic, everything will work in your favor.

  9. I agree that class registration is a stressful part of any college student's life, and it's one that's constantly talked about the week prior. "Do you have your schedule figured out yet?" "Want to go to Amelie's the night of registration?" "I can't register yet because apparently I have a hold on my account!" I'm currently a Sophomore, and I picked classes during this past registration virtually stress-free; however, that was not the case at all last year! As a Freshman, I had a whole flowchart written out for classes to pick, including which classes to go for in a particular order and what direction to take if they were already full. While it is stressful when the Internet is soooo slow or even fails (which did happen to me last year, and I ended up using a friend's computer), I think that having a game plan going into registration and keeping your cool are two important factors in getting the majority of the classes you want. It also helps to get a nice drink from the coffee shop and just sit back as the madness begins.
