Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Road Trip!

Road trip.  These are two of the most exciting words a Queens student will hear during their tenure.  While I think it is safe to say that all of us at Queens enjoy and embrace our tight-knit community, everyone needs a little break from time to time.  The best way to get a breath of fresh air is to take a little road trip out of Charlotte, especially to visit a larger college campus.  While we all have our group of friends that we spend most of our time with, sometimes you just need to get away.
            I’m the kind of person who likes a little change now and again.  For me, I’ve been a part of the small-town feel for most of my life.  Which is one of the main reasons I came to Queens in the first place.  But there comes a time when being around the same crowd gets a little, well, old.  I’ve found that the best way to rekindle the fire, so to speak, is to hit the road and go somewhere that you don’t know as many people.  I prefer to venture off to larger colleges and make new acquaintances.  It is nice to get to know new people in new communities.  To me it is often times a culture shock because every college has their own culture specific to that place.  While often times your typical schedule of events isn’t altered much from the usual at Queens, the people are what really make the difference.  Sure there are tons of things to do in Charlotte, and changing up your routine for the weekend might help a little, there is nothing like venturing off to a new place that you’ve never been and spending time with people you’ve never or barely known.   
            While the destination is always what we look forward to when taking a road trip, sometimes the best entertainment comes from the ride itself.  So be sure when you are planning or just jumping in a car and rolling, to bring a great group of friends along to make the drive worth while.

Jeremy Bugbee


  1. hahahahahh. The pic on the top is so funny. The people is sleeping. That is really cute. I don't like camping I dont want to use the scary bathroom. my american host family bought me to camping my junior year. I sleep with my 12 years little host sisters. She kick me off the bed :'( i just sleep two hours that night :'(((((

  2. I completely agree with you Bugbee! I have gone on a couple road trips this year to bigger SEC colleges, and while it for sure was a culture shock I had so much fun. Getting away from the Queen's surroundings is great especially this time of year when we've been around the same people, same classes, and done the exact same thing every weekend. By the way, nothing beats SEC Saturday football games!

  3. I couldn't agree more. Roadtrips definitely make life more interesting. A few weekends ago I went with a friend to her hometown of Hendersonville. Although it's only 30 minutes away it felt so different than life at Queens! Even though I'm new to Charlotte when you're stuck on campus most days life can get get quite boring. I can't wait to be back home over Thanksgiving and take a few mini road trips around home!

  4. I totally agree with you. I love to travel and I feel that everyone needs to get away sometimes. Being in one place all of the time and doing the same things can get very boring. When people get bored they tend to do things that should not be done. So that trip you decide to go on could help with a lot of stress. I also like to go and visit bigger colleges. It allows me to get a different feel for school than I get here at Queens. Then the people I take with me are always so much fun to ride with.

  5. Road trip! Although I am a huge fan of road trips, I must say that lately, I tend to stray away from them. The change of scenery is great sometimes, but the overall expenses and risks are sometimes not worth it. You may have one of friends be "that guy" and have an awful time sucking away all of the life from the party. There is usually a conflict over money, and there tends to be some sort of backlash after the trip is taken. Road trips are great and all, but sometimes it's best to re-evaluate the situation and plan accordingly to avoid any sort of conflict and to minimize any miscommunication.

  6. Reading the last three post - road trips are awesome and needed to help relieve college stress. This Thanksgiving, I enjoyed a 10 hour road trip to Orlando with my family. Unfortunately, I had so much homework to do over Thanksgiving break, I could not read a book for pleasure. Instead, I read several books for papers due the week back from break. Once I arrived in Orlando the fun began. Change of scenery and seeing other family members was worth the expense and time of traveling. Sea World is a must see over the holiday season. It is decorated with tons of christmas trees and music to put anyone in the spirit of Christmas. Living away from family, I have learned when and how to travel long distances. Coming back on Saturday was a good choice because Sunday traffic after Thanksgiving is horrible. Gas prices and terrible traffic can make a road trip miserable. Remember to travel on off days to avoid the masses when driving on the highways over holiday breaks.
