Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Hot or Cold Weather?

     This can be a hard question for some people to answer. Would you rather have cold weather or hot weather? Both of them have their advantages and disadvantages.
For example, being in cold weather you can put clothes on like sweaters and jackets. You can also sit by a fire place and cuddle up with someone.  While being cold you can also lay up under a lot of covers. Supposedly it’s so much easier to breathe cold, crisp air than hot, heavy air. The main reason why I think people love cold weather is because of the snow. Snow has a major effect on people’s doings. For example everybody loves when it snows so they don’t have to go to class or work. However I feel like it’s harder to warm up if you were already cold.  I have taken many ice baths over my college career and it takes at least 5 hours before my body is warm again. Cold weather basically makes you wear a lot of clothing and having all that clothing just makes you move super slowly. Being in cold weather at a football game is the most horrible thing. Frostbites occur and no matter how much clothing you have on, for some reason you just can’t get warm.
     When hot weather occurs, people usually remove clothing. However, there are places to go to cool off. For example most people travel to beaches or pools to cool off. I usually go to a pool or just eat ice cream. If you didn’t know I’m a basketball player so shorts and shirt is my main attire. I love being able to wear less clothes and just relax but now comes the bad part about hot weather. In the heat people tend to get mad and deal with less. I feel like being too hot causes people to act crazy because they just can’t think. This might just be me but some of the main reasons I hate hot weather is because, the grass grows too fast and I have to cut it and bee’s and all type of insects irritate me.
I don’t think I can chose which weather I prefer the most but they both have their Pros and Cons. 

Antonio Stabler


  1. I'm definitely more of a hot weather person. However if I could just spend maybe a month in the cold I would be okay with that. But there has to be snow. I live in Rhode Island... on an island and the worst part about it is that it is always frigid cold in the winter but there won't be any snow until the last month or so of winter. We sit there looking out the windows when they are calling for snow waiting for it and we either get rain or nothing. When I used to live in Missouri though, it was the best of both worlds; the winters were cold AND snowy and the summers were hot and we had neighborhood pools.

  2. Hands down, I love summer. You're right when you said winter is the time to cuddle up with some hot chocolate/your sweetie. Still, I can't stand being cold. It feels like it takes forever for my body not to be numb. When my hands or feet are cold, my entire body feels the same. I could have a natural bias towards summer since I was born in July/ live in the South. As much as I don't like to sweat, I still prefer it to freezing. You had a great list of pros and cons for each.

  3. I agree. Both weather types have their good and bad points. But I think overall I prefer the hot weather. Though it can get muggy and heated I love the summer and spring months. Personally cold weather irritates me more than anything else. I love to be outside and doing things, but in the winter its too cold to do anything but stay inside and stay warm. Though hot weather can get on my nerves too, I love that all summer and spring I have the ability to be outside doing what ever I want. So for me My vote is for the hot weather.

  4. I would have to say the winter! There is nothing like leaving the doors to head to that 8am and a cold rush slaps you right in the face instantly waking you up. I personally have always been a fan of the cold. However I love the warm weather and all that comes along with it. My vote will always be for winter! because without winter we are without SNOW!!!!!

  5. Antonio,
    I think I'd prefer cold over hot any day. When it's hot outside, you can't breathe as well, you tend to sweat a ton more, you get an unwanted tan (for ethnic people), the car is burning hot when you open the door, bugs are everywhere including spiders, ants, mosquitos, bees, wasps, etc. It's just downright uncomfortable in the heat. When it's cold, there are no bugs, you can breathe, you don't sweat as much during a workout, you can be more fashionably, and yes, you can enjoy the snow as well. Being cold is just more convenient than being hot. I suppose opinions may vary if you're in the south compared to the north, but overall, cold is better for me. Plus, when it's hot, you can take off every piece of clothing and still be hot, but if it's cold, all you have to do is add layers, and you'll be warm.

  6. Antonio, i think the answer to your question is simple, Both. I think people who live in lets say Equador, crave colder brisk weather. Where as people in Colder climates crave those hot sunny days. For this reason i think i will always live in a place that reflects the four seasons. I love to experience the warm days of summer but I also love fall and all its natural beauty, and the cold air it brings. Like you, i cant chose which one i like more, but i do know that throughout every year, i crave both hot and cold weather.

  7. I gotta say Tone I like both. Cold weather is good because you can throw on layers and if it warms up just take off one of your jackets. I also like cold weather because making fires and chilling inside watching football or basketball games is fun. Warm weather is also great though because Spring and Summer are probably my favorite times of year. Theres nothing better than going to the beach or the pool and just swimming for hours. I like both because there are pros and cons to both.

  8. I enjoyed reading your post primarily because of how unbiased it was. It seems to me like you enjoy both seasons equally. I personally favor winter because of all of the reasons you listed. Hot weather can occasionally be overrated and annoying when it is extremely humid. I love both times of the year, but always wish for the opposite when it is hot or cold.

  9. I am way more a warm weather girl then cold weather. Growing up in the north I am used to cold temps and feet upon feet of snow every winter. However when I got the chance to move south I couldn't have been more excited. Being a Queens Golfer having the ability to play golf year round is the big advantage to a milder winter. I don't like having to get up in the morning and put layers upon layers on to walk to class. I am in search of a place where it is 75 degrees year round and sunny everyday, Im for sure a warm weather girl!

    -Stephanie Yocum

  10. I enjoyed your post because I often debate this as well. I hate over heating during the summer, but I also hate being freezing cold in the winter. So I'm going to have to say I prefer warm weather. I like being able to lay out in the sun and staying tan. The winter is pretty miserable to me. Cute winter clothes are hard to find. Baggy sweaters aren't very flattering, though they are warm. And most people are pale. Which is not very flattering either. I wish it were always a perfect mixture of hot and cold. Then everyone would be happy!

  11. In my personal opinion, the heat is much better than the cold. I am from upstate New York, about an hour from Canada. It is frigid cold for about six to seven months out of the year. When you deal with the cold for a majority of your life, you tend to start resenting it in a major way. The snow is also a very large problem. Things don't just close down up north when it snows an inch. For that too happen, it takes a blizzard of massive proportion in order too have a rare "snow day" in New York. That just means that you are constantly navigating through snowy and icy roads. It is not pleasant that is for sure. The cold is a major reason why I am down south for school. I enjoy being outside in the warm weather enjoying a nice sunny day on a regular basis. Maybe some day I will appreciate the cold more than the warm, but as for now, the warmth is my go too.

    Mike Reed

  12. I think this is a tough choice. I like to be warm but I dont want to be too hot then again I like being cool but I dont like freezing. If i had to choose i think i would go with the heat just because i agree when its cold no matter how many layers you have on you just can't get warm. I can always go sit in the air or jump in a pool or omething to cool off but warming up is much harder.

  13. I must agree. I do not have a particular type of weather I enjoy more. I love the cold because I like to wear jackets that make my attire look cute. I sometimes like the heat so that I can do outside activities. It is a very hard decision so I do not try to choose. I just enjoy each season as they come. It is going to happen eventually so you might as well make the best of it. And I definitely enjoy snow days here in North Carolina where we have no class.

  14. People think I'm weird because I prefer winter over summer. The dehydration that comes with heat is distressing, but with winter you can always go inside, cuddle up under some comfy blankets, and make some hot cocoa. :) I'm also obsessed with winter clothes like boots, jackets, and sweaters.

    I see the appeal for summer-the vacation sure is longer. But I love winter vacation better because I absolutely adore Christmas and the feeling that comes with it. (Cheesy.)

  15. I'd have to say I like the warm better. As you stated there is always a place to go get cooled off. Over break I went to Florida and I can honestly say that is making this decision so much easier. The feeling of being able to walk around in nothing but a bathing suit is the best feeling ever. I love the warm weather because you don't have the instant quick wit of cold blast blowing against your face causing you to have to blow your nose ever 3 seconds. I really enjoyed this post!
