In this day and age it seems like we spend most of our lives
away from home. What us college students
tend to consider “home,” during the school year, the place where we sleep and
hope to spend a lot of our time.
Unfortunately, this is far from the case, especially for students. The majority of our time is spent at our
“home-away-from-home.” We all have one,
that place we spend most of our days.
For some it’s the workplace, campuses, maybe even libraries. For myself, and most of the Queens
student-athlete’s, our second home is the Sports Complex at Marion Diehl

For us, that
second home feel usually comes as one of those love-hate kinds of things. There are the days where we get excited to
see that enormous lion when we pull up to the complex, although they may be few
and far between since game days are far outnumbered by work days.
Most of the time when us athletes
are at “the complex” it is to do something productive, whether it be lifting,
practicing, or the dreadful yet necessary morning treatment. But then again there are those times when the
event, although it could be argued as productive, just doesn’t seem as
such. For all you athletes out there you
know what I’m referring to, the four-hour compliance meetings and end of the
year banquets.
While I do love that most of my
time at the complex is productively spent, I hate that I have to be awake to do
some of those things before the sun even considers lighting the sky. Us lacrosse players dread seeing the lights
on the field when we have morning lifts, because there aren’t weights on the
field, just lines to run around. On
those days I have to try extra hard to convince myself that whatever it is we
are doing is ultimately bettering my teammates and I from the day before.
Since I am a student-athlete, you
could consider my situation relatively extreme compared to someone who has a
career in regards to time spent away from home, but I think we can all agree
that we’ve got our own home-away-from-home.
Before I became a student-athlete I always wanted to get away from home,
but now that I rarely get the opportunity to kick back and relax on my own
couch or get a real, full night of sleep, it’s the only place I want to be!
Jeremy Bugbee