Being away from home leading up the
holidays can be depressing. Most people would rather be at home for the entire
holiday season, but there are plenty of things that you can do in your dorm to
experience some Holiday Cheer. Whether you celebrate Christmas, Hanukah,
Kwanza, The birth of the Flying Spaghetti Monster, or anything else, the
holiday season should be the happiest of all. If nothing else, it’s just an
excuse to light up entire houses at night so they look tacky and awesome.
So, to
experience holiday cheer on a college budget, head to your local Dollar Tree
first. They have stockings, decorations, and even fake snow in a can! Ok, don’t
get the fake snow… it’s terrible. BUT, they do have all the small stuff that you
will need to make your dorm look less like the Grinch’s cave and more like the
North Pole.
you have all the small things, which should cost no more than $12.57, it’s time
for some lights. Stringing up 400 lights in your dorm room simply makes you
feel happier. It also feels good to run up Queen’s electric bill after they put
in all those stupid speed bumps. For my light fixtures, I went to Big Lots. While
the prices for the smaller things may be a bit more than at a dollar store, you
can buy a disturbing amount of lights for $15. Also, 8 foot tall inflatable
penguins and Santa Clauses are on sale for $25, so make sure you pick up one of
those too.
- Eric Richard