Friday, November 30, 2012

Holiday Cheer on a College Budget

Being away from home leading up the holidays can be depressing. Most people would rather be at home for the entire holiday season, but there are plenty of things that you can do in your dorm to experience some Holiday Cheer. Whether you celebrate Christmas, Hanukah, Kwanza, The birth of the Flying Spaghetti Monster, or anything else, the holiday season should be the happiest of all. If nothing else, it’s just an excuse to light up entire houses at night so they look tacky and awesome.
                So, to experience holiday cheer on a college budget, head to your local Dollar Tree first. They have stockings, decorations, and even fake snow in a can! Ok, don’t get the fake snow… it’s terrible. BUT, they do have all the small stuff that you will need to make your dorm look less like the Grinch’s cave and more like the North Pole.
                Once you have all the small things, which should cost no more than $12.57, it’s time for some lights. Stringing up 400 lights in your dorm room simply makes you feel happier. It also feels good to run up Queen’s electric bill after they put in all those stupid speed bumps. For my light fixtures, I went to Big Lots. While the prices for the smaller things may be a bit more than at a dollar store, you can buy a disturbing amount of lights for $15. Also, 8 foot tall inflatable penguins and Santa Clauses are on sale for $25, so make sure you pick up one of those too.
                In my dorm, we have lights and garland on all the walls, the ceilings, and our doors. Our room is lit exclusively by holiday cheer, and it feels grand. We also moved our refrigerator into the shower room to make room for the giant Santa I talked about before. He has a pile of fake snow next to him, but as I said before, do not waste your money on that, it’s pretty pathetic. We used our extra lights on the outside of our window in South, so next time you walk by at night, look up at them and sing a carol or  do something else holiday-related (caroling is preferred). This holiday season, try some of these ideas out and DON’T BE A SCROOGE!!!!

- Eric Richard

Stream-of-Consciousness Post

So here we are, writing exactly what comes into my head as it appears. HELICOPTERS!!! Ooh, that was fun. I think I’m going to like this. This will also make my post go by a lot faster, since I am just writing every single thought that I have.

Where is my left sock? Seriously, I had two socks on when I sat down… TERRORISTS! That doesn't even make sense. Oh well. I hope people don’t think I’m weird because I just jumped to the conclusion that my missing sock was stolen by terrorists. I’m starting to rethink this stream-of-consciousness thing. Uhhhhh….. let’s see what am I thinking of now?

AH!!! COCKROACH!!!!! Great Odin’s raven that scared me! Ok, get it together Eric, people might actually be reading this soon.

Wow. I am tired.

 My feet hurt.

These walls are a really strange color. I can’t tell if they are grey, tan, or yellow. They probably just got a can of each and poured them into a blender. Why would they use a blender? Would a blender break if you put paint in it? I don’t see why it would. It’s no different than any other liquid.

Now I remember that one website where the two weird, old guys put expensive items in a blender and destroy them. Was it called, “Will it Blend? (pause) Whatever, I don’t really care. That is a gross misallocation of resources. Just put some rocks in it if you want to prove that you can blend any food imaginable; not a flippen iPad. Well, now that I think about it, I guess it is pretty good advertising, seeing as I am thinking about it right now. Well played “blender men”! Wait, I can’t even recall the name of the blender, so I guess it wasn't quite good enough? Nice try suckers!

Oh wow this is probably really uncomfortable to read. I really hope nobody gets this far. If you are still reading this, raise your right hand and sing “Amazing Grace” in French.


 Eiffel Tower!

(dramatic pause)

- Eric Richard

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

One Dollar

1 Dollar! There are a lot of things in this world that you can buy with 1 dollar. For example you can buy anything out of Dollar Tree or anything on McDonald’s dollar menu. Using a dollar in those places really comes in handy because I’m always hungry or I need lotion or deodorant. However the real reason I’m talking to you about 1 dollar is that, there is one thing I will always buy when I have a dollar no matter what. And that is an Arizona. Arizona’s are 99 cent drinks that are sold in gas stations and probably everywhere now. There are many different types of flavors like Watermelon, Fruit Punch, Mango, Grape, Peach and Iced Tea. My favorite kind of Arizona is fruit punch or watermelon, by the way. They both are amazing.
                Arizona’s are really worth 1 dollar because the size of this drink and how much is in it. Every day since November 1st I have gone to the gas station or had someone go for me to get me an Arizona. They have become very addictive. I never knew a drink could become addictive unless it was alcohol, well for some people. As I write this blog right now I am drinking a fruit punch Arizona and I have another in the refrigerator because I am going to see twilight tonight. I am not buying a drink in the movie theater because they are too expensive. This one Arizona will last me the whole movie because of the size and amount.
                All I’m saying right now is that you need to reconsider what you do with 1 dollar. Before you spend it, think and ask yourself, do I want an Arizona? If you choose to get one, I promise you will not regret your decision.
Antonio Stabler

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

The great debate: Uggs or Fuggs?

It’s that time of year again, fall is in the air, and the temperature is beginning to drop. Winter sweaters and holiday socks soon will be crawling out from their warm-weather hiding places. Along with these seasonal pick comes the great, the dreaded, and the (questionably) ugly Uggs. And with the cold front that just took the Queen City by surprise, these furry little creatures have found their way onto female (and occasionally male) feet all across the Queens Campus. Not a day later I found my twitter flooded with tweets proclaiming their hatred to the long lasting fad.

While the general male population will agree on this opinion - yes, all Uggs should report to the campus fire-pit immediately (IMMEDIATELY!) But guys, when is comes to your own style, aren’t you known for choosing comfort over class? Well maybe we do too, so give us a break, sheeesh!

As for the females, it’s not so simple. I for one will admit to Uggs being rather ‘fuggly’ but their comfortable! and they keep my feet so warm. But there are those girls that simply cannot leave the house without their Uggs, while others have the never-had-a-pair-never-going-to-get-a-pair, Ugg mentality. That’s just fine, lucky for you the grungy combat boot is back in style (you hipster, you!)

So maybe Uggs are absolutely hideous, but I’ve seen worst! For all you disapprovers out there, I say try a pair of uggs for yourself and you might just think a little different.                              

Adair Kennedy 

Prohibition Alternative

So it’s Thursday night, and where is everyone headed? Prohibition. Week after week it’s the same place, with the same people and same drama. If you’re anything like me you are probably tired of the ‘proho’ scene and looking for a new place to go out with your friends. And for you, I would like to share one of my favorite “alternative night-life” spots- Common Market, located in ‘South End’ Charlotte. Common Market is exactly what it sounds like- it’s a market! One built for the wine-os, the beer connoisseur, and the collectors of hipster trinkets, like mustache stickers or bacon lip balm. And if they weren’t unique enough already, the lady’s room is marked with a giant “XX” while the men’s room has “XY”. For those that are of the drinking age, the bar has local brews on tap everyday along with a few of the bartender’s favorites and the enormous wall of beer has every craft beer you can imagine.

After purchase, sip on your drink of choice and experience the Common Market ambiance outside on the patio beneath the colorfully stung lights in the comforting trees above. For those of you that still await the big 21st birthday, Common market is great during the day. The patio is lively with groups of friends catching up, to professionals brainstorming their next creative project; all while they snack on a delicious lunch form the common market deli made with love and boars head meat.

All in all, Common Market is a one of the many great gems of the Queens City. Whether you are looking for a new lunch spot, or alternative nightlight, it’s a great place to check out.

yours truly,

Adair Kennedy

Beer. Beer. Beer.    

      Did you know that beer changes like the seasons?! I’m a big beer drinker, mostly those from micro-breweries... not your typical watered down tasting bud light, but it doesn’t just stop there.. I enjoy beers from different seasons. For example, I just finished my last Pumpkin UFO. UPO is apart of Harpoon Brewery which is based out of Boston, MA. UFO is referred to Harpoon’s unfiltered wheat beer style of brewing; my favorite from this brewery is the UFO White, a orangey sweeter wheat beer, typically drunk in the summer months. You’ll find once you read more into this post that I tend to like summer beers a bit more. I’m currently enjoying a beer from my favorite brewery - Bell’s. Bell’s is based out of Kalamazoo, MI. The beer I’m having is called Best Brown Ale, this is a traditional toasty brown ale produced only in the months of fall and winter; it has hints of caramel and malt but yet not too heavy either, perfect for the coolers months of fall and winter. In the weeks to come I’ll be in search of Cold Mountain, which is Highland Brewery’s winter ale. Highland Brewery is located right here in the state of NC in Asheville. Cold Mountain is quite difficult to get a hold of and generally runs about 20-25 dollars a 12 pack; pretty expensive for beer if you ask me, but it’s not the most I’ve paid.
  During the summer months I have my go-to-brews: UFO White, which we discussed earlier, Shocktop, a Belgium style wheat ale (similar to blue moon) which is a bit more common than the rest, Brooklyn Summer Ale, brewed in... you guessed it Brooklyn, this beer is lighter for a summer beer with just a slit hint of bitterness topped off with citrus and floral notes.  All of these are great summer beers but I saved the best summer beer for last: Bell’s Oberon, it’s made with spicy hops, a touch of fruit, and wheat malts, leaving a clean feel in your mouth; making this one of the most pleasurable summer brews to enjoy, in my opinion.
     To wrap the brew tour up, I saved my absolute favorite beer of for last. This brew also comes from my favorite brewery, Bell’s, it’s called Two-Hearted Ale. Two-hearted is an IPA, which stands for Indian Pale Ale, this style of beer is defined by it’s intense hop taste. I’m not an huge fan of IPAs, generally because some of them can be incredibly hoppy however this IPA is about medium bodied for an IPA, it’s also unfiltered and balanced well with malt coming from Bell’s signature house yeast, making this IPA probably the most drinkable. It’s hoppy but no where near as hoppy as a Dogfish Head 60 or 90 minute IPA. Luckily for me this beer is brewed year round!!! I suggest everyone who hasn’t tried some craft beers to look into them. Find a taste or even a season you enjoy and always remember to drink responsibly!

Krisztian Martin

Monday, November 26, 2012

Old is the New...New

For my birthday, last March, my parents gave me a record player. It was a really meaningful gift because I grew up listening to vinyl with my dad. He has an entire bookcase full of records, so it was really cool to finally have my own record player.
 Since then, I have been collecting records and enjoying listening to high quality music. One of my favorite things about my record player is that it is multi-function. When I don’t want to listen to my records over and over again, I can switch it to the radio function and listen to AM and FM stations. I also have an auxiliary port, where I can plug my iPhone in and listen to my iTunes, Pandora, or Spotify.
One of the cooler things about record players is that records go back for decades. So when I go to Manifest Discs on South Boulevard or Lunchbox Records on Central Ave or any thrift store I can find old records for cheap. I have greatly expanded my music tastes because of that. I have picked up several records from the ‘70s and the ‘80s for cheap, just $3 or $4 a piece.
Newer records are more expensive, so I buy those few and far between. I am much more selective about picking up new albums than I am about older ones. New albums run for about $20. This sounds kind of expensive and that’s because it is expensive. The one benefit to new albums is that they come with a digital copy that I can add to my iTunes at no extra cost.
My record player has been a great addition to my belongings. It is a great social device, when I have friends over; they always want to listen to a record. I can listen to old and new music, as well as music from my iPod. I know as I get older, and at some point have more money than I do now, that I can continue to grow my album collection and listen to high quality authentic sounding music.

-Calvin Lescault

M83: The City is My Church

This past Sunday I went to the Filmore at the Music Factory to see M83. M83 is a band from France and their show was absolutely amazing. M83 is most popularly known for their songs Midnight City and Reunion. They have a very distinct sound; they use several synthesizers along with a guitarist and a drummer. They are very much a jam band.

Their show on Sunday was the first time that they have ever performed in Charlotte. I showed up with my friends Peyton, Sydney, and Daniel. We got there early so that we could have a good view of the show. We ended up being in the 6th row or so and we were able to see the whole show easily.
The band members fed off the crowd and delivered a passionate and energetic show. It was the first major concert that I had been to since I got my iPhone, so I was able to take lots of high quality pictures and videos.
M83 includes a massive light show along with their music and it just blew my mind. I was feeling good when I showed up to the show, and the lights and music were just what I was hoping for. The massive base speakers and the electronic beats were so cool.
One of the coolest things about live shows is watching bands rock out. When a band is genuinely excited to be playing for the crowd it translates into an even better show. M83, being from France, might have been tired of being on the road. But if they were, it didn’t show because they were passionate and excited to be in Charlotte for the first time.
The show did end rather early, around 10:30, and that left me wishing that M83 had played more songs. That was the only disappointment though, the set and long encore that M83 played was unbelievable. I thoroughly enjoyed myself and would recommend M83 to any music lover.

-Calvin Lescault

Oooh That's Pretty!

       I love to shop. It’s not really a big reveal, especially to anyone who knows me personally. You see, shopping is like an art; you go in to a store with an idea of what you are looking for and slowly, sometimes involving many different shops, you piece together that look or idea.
So many options!
     The item that is hardest for me to shop for is a purse. I am really indecisive when it comes to bags. There are so many options and what if you don’t get the best one? What if the black one is more versatile than the nude? Do I want to go with a cross body, or a clutch? The decisions you have to make are endless. And the more expensive and high end the bag, the longer it takes for me to come to a final result. Yet, with all the stress and thought that goes into purse shopping, it is by far my favorite thing to shop for! I love bags and somehow manage to convince myself every few months that I need another one.
       I know some people who hate to shop, and while I don’t understand that concept, I do take it under advisement when out with them. Don’t get me wrong, I’m not out shopping 24/7. Money doesn’t grow on trees (well, it does, but you know what I mean) but if I have that bit of extra cash, or I’ve had a particularly stressful day, a good trip to the mall or one of my favorite stores always seems to do the trick.
       While I love shopping for myself, I enjoy shopping for others even more! Holiday and birthday shopping is so much fun (and I must say that I give excellent gifts). When I was younger I’d give cute homemade gifts or small little knick knacks, but since I started bringing in my own revenue, I’ve upped my gift giving standards substantially.
       There are of course those purchases that you wish you could bring yourself to ring up, but I’ve learned that sometimes it's better to wait and save up your money than to buy something on impulse.
       I hope you all had a great Thanksgiving Break and that you enjoy your holiday shopping that is soon to come!
They are soo cute! But do you
really need a Gecko, Jenna... I think not.

Until Next Time,
Jenna Buthman