Thursday, November 18, 2010

Beware of the Cyclists!

       Imagine a mild, summer night.  The weather is perfect. The dim, street lights provide just enough light for motorists to make it to their destination safely.  You approach an empty intersection on a quiet road.  Looking over, you crack a quick joke to your best friend who’s sitting beside you on his matching motorcycle.  Green light.  You check both ways and slowly pull off.  Out of nowhere speeds a reckless driver going at least 20 miles over the speed limit.  Just as you reach the middle of the intersection, BAM!   
This is a brief excerpt from my dad’s memory.  His wreck occurred nearly 10 years ago.  Fortunately, he survived and is an perfectly healthy 47-year-old man and an incredible father.  He’s never ridden a cycle since then.

Many cyclists involved in accidents are not this lucky. Throughout these past few weeks in the Charlotte, NC area, motorcycle wrecks seem to be the most recurrent topic on the news. Five cyclists recently lost their lives just within the past 3 weeks.  It honestly seems like I’m hearing about a new crash every other day.             
I bring this issue up to raise awareness.  When on the road with a cyclist, be sure to provide them a sufficient amount of distance.  Try your best to be extra aware.  Accidents involving all types of vehicles occur every day; however, motorcycle wrecks often produce fatal results.  Please be careful on the road.

-Brittani Hunter

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Iraqis claim British abuse.

 Yesterday, Iraqi’s captured in the war effort claim that they were abused by british troops.  They say they were subjected to sleep deprovation, hooding, being forced to stand or kneel for extended periods of time and also being exposed to loud pornogrophy.  These allegations are being placed on the Joint Forward Interogation Team.  Due to these allogations, the European Convention of Human Rights demands that an investigation be launched.  The british Defence minister Liam Fox is said to be very concerned, and “determined to get to the bottom of this.”  Although he doesn’t believe he is in"any present obligations to set up a public inquiry."  Also on the case, is the Royal Military Police, they are also investigating every alligation made by the Iraqi people.  Do you think that the Iraqi people have a case in saying that the British were too rough on them?  And that standing in one spot for too long is a crime against prisoners of war?  Personally I feel as though it is war, it is not a picnic.  Of course it is going to be hard to endure if you are captured.  What do you think, should we lighten the way we deal with prisoners or treat them the way we have? 
- Miles Kerbein

Collisions in Football

This Sunday it was noticeable that many players were going somewhat half speed when it came to laying big hits.  Also, it seemed as though there were more and more people hiting the opposition then instantly putting their hands in the air as if to say they didn’t do anything wrong.  Is fining and suspending players because of a hit the right decision by the NFL?  Personally, I feel as though it is somewhat hypocritical, because the NFL is known as the most physical sport in the world and that is one of the major reason they sell tickets.  If people wanted to watch athletes run around and avoid contact they could just watch soccer.  Football is football because of the collisions and speed involved.  Personally I feel as though players should receive penalties and warnings before a large fine and suspensions similar to that dumped on James Harrison this past week.  What do you think, should the NFL continue to soften the game of football or should they leave it be?
-Miles Kerbein

Sunday, November 14, 2010

No Fly Zone

Last weekend I flew to state college, to visit with my friend and watch the Penn state football game. I decide to fly up and on this day us airways was my only option.   Us airways in my opinion is literally the sorriest excuse for air transportation I have ever seen! Crappy service, outrageous fees, and dumb mistakes like cutting a wire on the plane requiring them to switch planes which delays my flight an hour and half makes it awful! I normally fly with Southwest who is in my opinion the best airline out there. At least they wont charge you up to fifty dollars just to transport a bag. I don’t understand the ridiculous logic US air uses. The uncomfortable seats don't exactly help their cause either. The obvious confusion on board with the flight attendants was not exactly the most comforting feeling in the world. Once in the air I thought all our problems were done for but then the us airways crew screwed up again by spilling a drink on a near by passenger. They didn't even have a snack to offer! The flight overall was a disaster. Us airways just does not fly with me. 

-Jason Cuzzupe