Friday, November 30, 2012

Holiday Cheer on a College Budget

Being away from home leading up the holidays can be depressing. Most people would rather be at home for the entire holiday season, but there are plenty of things that you can do in your dorm to experience some Holiday Cheer. Whether you celebrate Christmas, Hanukah, Kwanza, The birth of the Flying Spaghetti Monster, or anything else, the holiday season should be the happiest of all. If nothing else, it’s just an excuse to light up entire houses at night so they look tacky and awesome.
                So, to experience holiday cheer on a college budget, head to your local Dollar Tree first. They have stockings, decorations, and even fake snow in a can! Ok, don’t get the fake snow… it’s terrible. BUT, they do have all the small stuff that you will need to make your dorm look less like the Grinch’s cave and more like the North Pole.
                Once you have all the small things, which should cost no more than $12.57, it’s time for some lights. Stringing up 400 lights in your dorm room simply makes you feel happier. It also feels good to run up Queen’s electric bill after they put in all those stupid speed bumps. For my light fixtures, I went to Big Lots. While the prices for the smaller things may be a bit more than at a dollar store, you can buy a disturbing amount of lights for $15. Also, 8 foot tall inflatable penguins and Santa Clauses are on sale for $25, so make sure you pick up one of those too.
                In my dorm, we have lights and garland on all the walls, the ceilings, and our doors. Our room is lit exclusively by holiday cheer, and it feels grand. We also moved our refrigerator into the shower room to make room for the giant Santa I talked about before. He has a pile of fake snow next to him, but as I said before, do not waste your money on that, it’s pretty pathetic. We used our extra lights on the outside of our window in South, so next time you walk by at night, look up at them and sing a carol or  do something else holiday-related (caroling is preferred). This holiday season, try some of these ideas out and DON’T BE A SCROOGE!!!!

- Eric Richard


  1. I love this blog! I am a commuter, so are able to enjoy my home decor and holiday cheer there. But the fact that you are going above and beyond in your dorm is simply amazing. Christmas is my favorite time of the year. I have done countless school projects, and even my senior exit on it (a huge project at my high school that was extremely important, just like Christmas). I have researched why people love it, hate it, and have other feelings toward it. Any chance you get at spreading Christmas cheer is an opportunity seized. It has been quite interesting reading your pieces over the semester, but I'm sure Queens will continue to hear your humor and wit! Merry Christmas!

  2. You always have such good ideas! I'll have to go by the dollar store to get some lights. I was wondering where to get any because i've been looking for some cheap ones. Do you remember last year when Peter and Collin got the 12 foot tree? Yeah that was a terrible idea and i wouldn't recommend anyone going that far but your ideas are perfect! MERRY CHRISTMAS!
