Friday, November 30, 2012

Stream-of-Consciousness Post

So here we are, writing exactly what comes into my head as it appears. HELICOPTERS!!! Ooh, that was fun. I think I’m going to like this. This will also make my post go by a lot faster, since I am just writing every single thought that I have.

Where is my left sock? Seriously, I had two socks on when I sat down… TERRORISTS! That doesn't even make sense. Oh well. I hope people don’t think I’m weird because I just jumped to the conclusion that my missing sock was stolen by terrorists. I’m starting to rethink this stream-of-consciousness thing. Uhhhhh….. let’s see what am I thinking of now?

AH!!! COCKROACH!!!!! Great Odin’s raven that scared me! Ok, get it together Eric, people might actually be reading this soon.

Wow. I am tired.

 My feet hurt.

These walls are a really strange color. I can’t tell if they are grey, tan, or yellow. They probably just got a can of each and poured them into a blender. Why would they use a blender? Would a blender break if you put paint in it? I don’t see why it would. It’s no different than any other liquid.

Now I remember that one website where the two weird, old guys put expensive items in a blender and destroy them. Was it called, “Will it Blend? (pause) Whatever, I don’t really care. That is a gross misallocation of resources. Just put some rocks in it if you want to prove that you can blend any food imaginable; not a flippen iPad. Well, now that I think about it, I guess it is pretty good advertising, seeing as I am thinking about it right now. Well played “blender men”! Wait, I can’t even recall the name of the blender, so I guess it wasn't quite good enough? Nice try suckers!

Oh wow this is probably really uncomfortable to read. I really hope nobody gets this far. If you are still reading this, raise your right hand and sing “Amazing Grace” in French.


 Eiffel Tower!

(dramatic pause)

- Eric Richard

1 comment:

  1. I need to make one last comment for Writing for Communication. Let's do this.
    1)Helicopters are loud and I don't like them. Except one time I saw Barack Obama fly over my neighborhood because he was staying at a hotel nearby. That was cool. I waved to the sky and said "Hey Mr. President!" but I don't think he heard/saw me.
    2) You don't know for sure your sock wasn't stolen by terrorists. It could happen. Don't rule it out. I'm not wearing socks but that's okay because my feet don't sweat that much. I like socks though. My brother-in-law got me socks last Christmas. I actually really liked them.
    3) Ew, there's a cockroach? No me gusta. They are going to survive the apocalypse and that freaks me out.
    4) Are you in the room I am currently in? Because if so I'm going to go with "sand" covered walls. Kind of sand-ish.
    5) I've seen the "Will it Blend?" segment before but got bored. The answer is usually yes, it will blend. But it's not edible so why blend it? I don't have that kind of money. Ain't nobody got time for dat.
    6) No. I am self-concious and don't know French. I don't know Spanish either, which is troubling because I have an exam on Tuesday.
    7)Haven't seen it yet. Don't really care for James Bond one way or the other.

    (dramatic pause)
