Thursday, October 4, 2012

Why I'm Excited for Paul Thomas Anderson's New Film

       One of the things that really get me excited are movies. Yes, I’m a movie buff. I love the Oscars, its right up there with the Super Bowl for me. One of the movies that I’m most excited for this movie season, yes there are movie seasons, is The Master.       
     The Master is a film by Paul Thomas Anderson. Anderson is one of my favorite directors, doesn’t release movies very frequently, just five movies since 1997 including The Master. This heightens my anticipation; it’s like the Olympics, a new movie once every four years. His previous movies, which I all highly recommend are Boogie Nights, which is about the porn industry in the ’70’s, Magnolia, a movie with several separate story lines about people’s lives which all come together as well as one of Tom Cruises best performances, at least in my opinion, Punch Drunk Love, with Adam Sandler, and There Will Be Blood, a period piece about the discovery of oil in the West, which features Daniel Day Lewis acting superbly, and is a metaphor for capitalism, deep, I know.
     Back to The Master though. The Master stars Phillip Seymour Hoffman, Joaquin Phoenix, and Amy Adams. Hoffman plays Lancaster Dodd, who creates a religious cult-like movement. Phoenix is Freddie Quell, an unstable WWII veteran who becomes his disciple. Adams plays Hoffman’s wife.
Anderson won’t admit that the movie is actually about L. Ron Hubbard and the rise of Scientology but he rather coyly denies it and leads people to the conclusion that it actually is. Scientologists have made a big stink about it and have considered suing. Controversy makes me want to see it even more.
    The Master is playing at Park Terrace Cinemas, which is at the intersection of Woodlawn and Park Road. I plan on seeing it this week. I recommend it to you highly, if you want to see a controversial movie, with controversial actors (Google Joaquin Phoenix), and with a high probability to win several Oscars including Best Picture, Best Director, Best Male Lead, Best Supporting Actor, Best Cinematography, and Best Musical Score, a long list I know. Just go see it.

Calvin Lescault


  1. I was completely unaware The Master was already out. As someone who also enjoys movies, albeit older and/or foreign films, I tend to not keep up with the latest movie releases. So, thank you for writing this, because now I need to go see it! mentioning his other movies gives everyone a taste for Anderson's versatility and ingenuity. Which of his movies is your favorite? - Daniel

  2. Considering I want to go into the film/TV industry, every time I find movie buffs, such as yourself, I get somewhat intimidated. My knowledge in film, directors, producers, winners of awards, etc. is, lets just say, lacking. However, "There Will be Blood," and "Magnolia" are exceptional films.So if you think this latest release, "The Master," will be as good then I think I can find a spare night to watch it myself. Any other movies you recommend, throw 'em my way!
