Monday, September 24, 2012

Was Apple's iOS 6 Software Update Successful?

Last night, I downloaded Apple’s new iOS 6 software for my iPhone 4. Due to QUWIFI, the download took a little longer than expected, but good things can wait right?

Upon the download being finished, I like every other inquisitive person, explored my phone to find what was updated. One of the first things I did was text a friend, and I noticed countless new Emoji, which is Apple’s emoticon language.

          One of the next things I noticed, was that the Maps app, had been updated from Google maps to Apple maps, which knew precisely where I was, not just at Queens, but which part of Wireman Hall I was in.

           I was rather disappointed in iOS 6. I assumed that there would be massive new updates because it had been such a long time since the last software update for Apple products. An argument an be made that Apple is holding out for the iPhone 5 release, but I think that would be dumb. Apple software updates apply to iPads and Macs as well, neither of which are having a new model released soon, at least to my knowledge.
           Also with the legal battles that are ongoing with Samsung, I would have thought Apple would have wanted to distance their product with several new and unique upgrades. This would have presented a reason to stay for those unsatisfied with Apple’s decisions.
            I will concede that I don’t have Siri on my phone, and that is supposed to be one of the major upgrades with the iOS 6 software. Siri is now supposed to have ample knowledge of sports and you can speak to Twitter and Facebook updates, as well as get movie reviews from Rotten Tomatoes and restaurant reviews from Open Table.
            Overall, I don’t think anyone was ‘wowed’ by the software update. I also know that there were several quirks with WiFi and people lost their music libraries. I think that those will go away with time though. Apple had a huge chance to distance itself even further from Samsung and put its legal troubles behind them and I don’t think that they succeeded, at least with the potential they had.

Calvin Lescault 


  1. I too updated my phone recently and was disappointed with IOS 6. When I heard about the update and saw everybody tweeting about it I got extremely excited expecting all these cool new updates. I think the update has some interesting things to offer but with apples reputation for blowing people out of the water with their new products, I think IOS 6 wasn't anything special.

    Tim C.

  2. I agree that the iOS 6 software update was a rather large disappointed. Also I would venture to say that the iPhone 5 was a disappointment as well. Basically the iPhone 5 is the same exact phone as the previous (iPhone 4s) except a little lighter and the screen is a slightly bigger. For such a large build up and massive expectations, Apple definitely disappointed the majority of its customers. The lack of sizable updates on the purchase of the new phone will surely deter more customers from making such an expensive investment in the future.

    Mike Reed

  3. While my iPhone and I are still in the realm of iOS 4 (because of sheer laziness), I was also pretty excited for the update. They hyped it up quite a bit, and it seemed to have fallen short of its lofty claims. The funny thing is, most people didn't even know what they were expecting, but they were simply waiting for something BIG. Hopefully the next update will have a hologram projector or something mind-blowing, but for now we'll have to make do with Siri.

  4. I have also heard about this new update but haven't had the chance yet to update my phone. I thought there were going to be more new things on this update too, which makes me disappointed after finding out thats not the case. Are you still satisfied with your Iphone or are you thinking of switching over to Samsung who you mention is up and coming? I know that my dad has a Samsung and is very happy with it, but I don't know if it is better than the Iphone or if he is just telling me that cause he wants to have a better phone than me..

  5. I just updated my phone as well, being on campus it obviously took longer than I expected! But for me getting this upgrade was like getting a new phone! I had not updated my iphone 4 since I got it almost 2 years ago! I was happy with the new upgrade, but I agree that they could have done more to distance themselves with the other companies. They will continue to update the iphone so im sure sometime in the near future we will be getting even cooler things on our phone.


  6. Apple seems to be stagnating. From within their products are becoming less revolutionary and more novel. On the outside, they are slowing down progression by filing lawsuits on anything that remotely resembles anything they have patented (which is just about everything they "create"). I can say I don't own an iPhone, so I can't share in your experience with iOS 6, but from seeing other evaluations, I feel that most iPhone owners are experiencing the same lack of being "wowed". - Daniel

    1. I agree Daniel. I think that Apple has so consistently 'wowed' us with their updates, that when iOS 6 was released consumers expectations were too hight. I think that iOS 6 has changed a lot of little things, but we were expecting big things. I can only imagine that the pace they work at, releasing new laptops, phones, and tablets must be difficult and from time to time their updates must be more practical and less flashy. I will be curious to see what Apple does next.

  7. Love IOS6! I downloaded it last week, it is awesome! I can talk to the SIRI in Cantonese now. I can use the new Emoji. The GPS has improve also. IOS6 is so useful!

  8. It's quite funny, I don't own an Iphone but I own an Ipad and I've gone through the same bewilderment with this new update of IOS6. The first stage of shock and awe, the second stage being that in fact, very little to nothing has changed at all. The third stage is that you find things that you were used to doing no longer being there and the fourth stage, of course is acceptance of the new way to do things. Hopefully you enjoy the functionality of IOS6 on your phone though.

  9. With me not having a Iphone it is kind of hard for me to say whether the update was beneficial or not. I have a number of friends that have Iphones and said that the only good thing about the update was that they had a bunch of new emojis. A number of people also were unable to use their phones at all during the update which really had to suck.

  10. I completely agree! Other than the new Emoji's, I didn't find anything special with the update. Pretaining to the maps, I actually find it more difficult to use now. Apparently we're supposed to have the panoramic camera too... haven't figured that one out yet. Overall, I wasn't impressed with the update.

  11. I have an Iphone but i have yet to download the new software. I have also heard many people that share in your disappointment with the IOS6. From what i have been hearing is that there is nothing new outside of the emojis, which saddens me .I was looking forward to a major upgrade but i guess that will never come. Maybe the IOS6 works better with the Iphone 4s. I have the 4 so nothing too special for me to look forward to i guess.

    1. Yeah I don't have Siri on my phone so I guess I'm not getting the full benefit of the update. Having the update for a week plus now, I have noticed lots of new small changes that I didn't notice at first. There are changes to iMail and iTunes but I lost my library so I have been rather frustrated with the music part of my phone. I would imagine that when Apple offers their next software update, that there will be new changes but for now I'll just be satisfied to be in a position where I have an iPhone in the first place.

  12. I updated my iPhone along with my MacBook last night and yes the process was long and i couldn't use my computer for a while but I must say I enjoy the changes. I did not have any of the negative side effects like losing contacts or my music library but I do see what your saying how it was a dramatic change. If it was a dramatic change I'm not sure I would have liked it. The update I use most is Emoji's and I'm very excited there are a ton now!

    - Sarah Lamar

  13. I never even heard any of the hype around iOS 6. My phone and computer told me that there was an update so I decided to do it. I'm not sure if anyone else's phone decided to glitch but mine definitely did. After spending a little over an hour in the Apple Store I can now use iOS 6. I'd have to agree though, that it isn't anything special. I'd be interested to see what comes out after the iPhone 5 and if they add any new features. But for right now, I'm content with my 4 and glad to have working software on my phone.

  14. Unfortunately, I felt the same about the update. I was pretty stoked to find out what the new iOS 6 has in store for my bad iPhone habits, but I was not really impressed. Basically the most exciting thing about the update was all the new emoji's which is definitely not anything to talk about. I just think Apple could do a lot more with what their working with. iPhones are definitely starting to lose their luster, but as every other Apple user I find myself not being able to get away from the brand.

  15. I recently downloaded the new software update for my IPhone 4 and I am sort of pleased with the update, but not impressed. Some of the new features are great, such as the "do not disturb" icon and the new updated maps. The emoji additions were okay, but could've been better. The change of screen display for the keypad and music playlists were simple and Apple could've done much more than what they attempted. Other than those features, the update is only good for a few things in which Apple should have done a heck of a lot better considering that their highest competitor Samsung is following closely on their footsteps.

  16. While I too was a bit disappointed that there were only some changes that are of use to me with iOS6, I wasn't really expecting much out of the update. As always, Apple strongly promoted the new software but they have a reputation for doing so already. Yes, with everything new we expect there to actually be something new, and there was; but Apple wasn't promising anything terribly drastic with iOS6. Many of the people that were let down with the new software weren't aware of what they were getting, just excited that they were getting something new. Of course iOS6 has its good and bad points, but so did iOS5. In my opinion, there isn't much more that Apple can do to improve what has already been improved so many times. It isn't easy being better than the best, and seeing that they are already the best there just isn't too much more that I can ask for out of the outstanding operating systems that Apple produces.

    1. Yeah I agree Jeremy. I think that places like Twitter and Facebook really inflated the expectations for the iOS 6 update. There was so much buzz on Twitter both before, during, and after the update was released. I have been satisfied with the update since I downloaded it. I had no problems losing my music or anything like that. I agree that it is hard being the best, everyone expects so much out of your product.

  17. I have heard mix reviews about this new update. To begin with, I dont know what the whole deal is with updating your phone every time an update comes out. I have the Iphone 4 and have not updated it in over a year. This phone I have now is literally a computer in your pocket, it can do everything. I am content with it and have no plans on updating it where I could risk something going wrong as well as taking the time getting used to the new settings. Also, I have heard that these updates can take a long time to complete. I have heard from 20 minutes to the entire night for the update to take place. Why can't Apple make it so that its the same for all? I would like to know
