Sunday, September 23, 2012

They matter the most

     Where I come from, family comes first. We never disrespect one another; we always work out our problems before leaving each other’s sight. We are always honest with each other, no matter if it hurts.  We argue and fight sometimes but what family does not. My mom, sister and brother, who I live with when I’m home, mean the most to me.
     Destiny Keith, who is my 10 year old sister, matters. I love this girl with all my heart but I know one day she has to grow up. Sometimes I wish she could just stay young and be pretty but I know that cannot happen. As she grew up with two older brothers in the house she understood things real well, especially boys. I have given her the run down on boys already and I will continue to. I am a protective brother because I know how guys are. I always told her to focus on school and not boys. I feel like it has been working because she is a straight A student and just loves school. I never knew a kid who was ready to go to sleep so she could wake up for school. She has really made me proud.

     Dashawn Stabler, who is my 19 year old brother, matters. Growing up with him we had our differences, but we did not let those differences affect our relationship. We are very close and do everything together. When he needs something I am there, and when I need something he is always there. We have a great relationship and we both have to protect our sister because we are the older brothers. He looks up to me so I try to be a good role model to him.
     Donna Keith, who is my mother, matters. She is the one who was with me all the time. I know she has unconditional love for me and my siblings because she demonstrates that every single day. I am in college and every night she still texts me to say goodnight and that she loves me. I love my mother to death and I could not have asked for anyone better. She wants us to be successful and I am going to do that to make her proud.
They matter the most in my life!

Antonio Stabler


  1. Thank you for speaking your mind. Your leadership skills are represented in this blog. Family does matter! Our society has pulled family apart over the last 20 years. I come from divorce and chaos but my mom always kept us children together. I am the oldest of six kids. Growing up, my sisters and I fought constently, but my mother always encouraged us to love each other. Over time, I have witnessed families who do not speak to each other. They pretend their family members don't exist. My step son is not speaking with me because I do not agree with some of his decisions in life. I told him, "It's OK for me to disagree with you but you are still part of the family". I hope one day he will come across a friend who shares their believes like you did with this blog.

  2. Your blog was very touching and personal. I really enjoyed reading it because I can relate to it. My family is the most important thing to me, and always will be. I live at home with my older sister, and my older brother recently moved out. He has been my rock ever since I can remember. If there was ever a disagreement or issue in the house, he resolved it; especially if it was between my sister and I. He always protected me and encouraged me to follow my own path instead of getting mixed up in the boyfriend world. For that, I am truly grateful to him. He has been such a great role model for me, which is half the reason I am here at Queens University today, and I'm sure your sister feels the same way of you.

  3. I love this post because I am also very close to my family. In a family you protect each other because your family is the most important thing in your life. I believe that family is the foundation that you mold your entire life from. I loved hearing how close you are to your 19 year old brother. I have a sister who is 16 and I feel as if we have the same relationship as you and your brother

    1. I'm glad you loved my post and i want to thank you for reading and taking your time out to comment also. Family means the most to me and always will. I hope you keep reading and commenting as i continue to blog. Thanks again.

  4. Family most certainly does matter. I can tell that you care about them a lot, not just by what you wrote but by the fact that you chose to write about them at all. Many people tend to forget that regardless of how busy you are, how much time you don't have, how sleepy you are, it is still important to show appreciation to those who helped you get to where you re now. Personally, the love for my family is one of the main reasons I do the things that I do. I want to make them proud, for by my works and my actions they will know that the time they invested in my growth and development did not go in vain.

    Aniyah (Yasmeen) Pendleton

  5. I really enjoyed reading this post because it reminds you of what is important to you. Your family are the ones that love you no matter what and this post really represents that. Though there are always times of conflict or strife, you get through them and move on; because you have to. They will always be your family. There are those who lack such relationships with their families and I can only grieve because they will never know this love. But for those who do, thanks for reminding us of what is important in life.

  6. I enjoyed this post because I absolutely agree. My mom and my sister are my best friends. I CHOOSE to spend time with them. Our bond is so strong and I put them before everything else.
    I wish everyone could experience family like you and I do. When life gets tough, family is always there. There is an unconditional love that comes with families and I always need that.

    Very sweet!

    1. I'm glad you agree with me. Family means the most and always will. Your right on the money when you said " when life gets tough, family is always there". I want to thank you for reading and commenting on my post. Hopefully i'll have more posts that interest you. Thanks again.

  7. it sounds like you and your family have a really significant bond. I admire this allot and it reminds me of my family as well. I too am a very protective brother of my older but smaller sister. Family is the most important thing to keep track of and not lose touch with, it sounds like you are doing a great job of this. Congrats on having a beautiful family that loves and respects all of its members so much.

  8. Jake it's good when we see families that are thriving. I'm agree with Gabrielle, I enjoy reading these type post. I am an only child and growing up I always enjoyed going to my friend's homes that had bigger families. Although they enjoyed coming to my home, because it was quite. Family is very important and it's clear that you know what really matters. I'm sure your sister, brother, and mother feels that same about you.
