Thursday, September 27, 2012

Adoption in my Family

      Three of my younger siblings came to be in my family through the miracle of adoption.  Jamie and Henry were both adopted from Guatemala and Rosie is adopted from Ethiopia.  I remember when my mom first told me they were thinking of adopting a baby.  She talked to me and my two sisters alone about the subject first, then we all sat down as a family to talk about it together with my stepdad.  I remember not entirely understanding what was going on at first.  The only thing I knew about adoption was what I learned from movies like Matilda and Stuart Little.

            After my mom and stepdad talked to me and my sisters about it we then had a therapist come and talk to us too.  It was part of something called a home study.  A home study is when the adoption agency does a background check on a family looking to adopt for the first time.  During a home study a therapist comes and meets any other members of the family and talks to them about the idea of adoption.  During the home study the agency also contacts close family and friends in order to get their view on the adoption. 

            My family chose to do a closed adoption which is when the birthmother is no longer in contact with the child she gave up for adoption.  When we went to pick up Jamie the entire family went.  It was me, my two sisters Mary and Lily, my mom, my stepdad, and my grandma.  We flew into Guatemala City and on the first day my mom and stepdad had to go to court to sign some paperwork.  On the second day Jamies foster mom brought him to the hotel so we could get him.  I remember when the elevator doors opened, we went over to hold him, and then just took him home.  It was amazing meeting my little brother for the first time and truly a moment i'll never forget.  
-Anna Kirwan 


  1. Anna, that is such an amazing story! My mom was adopted and I have always found that adaptions stories are so beautiful. I think it is really interesting that your family already had three children when your mom and stepdad began thinking about adoption. A lot of the time we see adoption as something for people who can't have children, but I think that people need to open their minds to the idea that even if the couple are able to have kids, that they may want to adopt regardless. In this post you spoke primarily about your families experience with picking up Jamie from Guatemala City. I am hooked! I can't wait for future posts about the trips to pick up Henry and Rosie! I am also really interested in the sibling aspect of adoption. Were you and your sisters able to truly become 'siblings' with you adopted brothers and sister. (I don't mean this offensively, I'm just really curious) I hope you and your family are all well and that more posts about this topic are in the works. :)

  2. Anna, I also love to hear stories about family and siblings. I bet growing up with a family of eight you have lots of fun stories to write about! Did you go to Ethiopia to pick up Rosie too? I can't wait to read future post! :)

  3. Anna that is wonderful. I was a closed adoption baby as well. I don't know anything at all about my birth mother. It is all so amazing how things like this happen. I love to hear about family stories like this cause they touch my heart. DId you go pick up the children or did they fly here? That is really an awesome story I am glad you shared it!


  4. Anna, while I cant relate directly to your story because I don't really know anybody who was adopted, I just wanted to say I really enjoyed your story and I think what families like yours do for these kids is great! I was particularly impressed at how your parents handled the situation by talking to you are your sister about it, making it a true family decision. Thanks for sharing.

  5. I'm completely understand where you're coming from when you said you didn't know much about adoption. It's awesome that your family was willing to add more members! I really enjoyed reading about the moment when you met Jamie in Guatemala. You talked a lot about the process you went through with adopting but I would love to know more about your life afterwards. How long have Jamie, Rosie and Henry been part of your family? How old were you when this all happened? How has your life changed since then? Those are just a few things I'd enjoy hearing more about. Thanks for sharing such a personal story!

  6. That is so sweet and kind of your family to adopt the kids who need love. Congratulation on having new sister and brother. "I remember when the elevator doors opened, we went over to hold him, and then just took him home." this is my favorite sentences. I want to adopt kid after I grown up become rich too.

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. Well, Anna, your story certainly appealed to my emotions. Considering I have previously been to Guatemala for service work, your story hit a soft spot in my heart. How impressive it is that your family decided to welcome two other joy's in your family after your first adopted brother. Best of luck to you and your whole family. Hope you all have many blessings

  9. Thanks for all your comments! And because the trip to guatemala to get jamie was so difficult, with the lost luggage, and I also got the stomach flu the entire family did not go on the trips to get Henry and Rosie. It was just my mom and Karl who went to get Henry while everyone else stayed home with grandma. When it came to adopting Rosie we were a family of 7 so mom had to go on some sort of a solo mission to pick her up from Ethiopia. She went with a good friend named Elizabeth, who had travelled to Ethiopia before and was able to provide a little extra safety. I'm overjoyed that everyone likes hearing about my family and I will be sure to post more.
