Wednesday, September 26, 2012

The Journey of a Frustrated iPhone User

     I am an avid Apple user. I have always had a Mac and I plan to always have a Mac. I have had every iPhone (except for iPhone 4s) since their creation, three apple laptops and two iPods, (are you getting it yet.. I love Apple). This short story is going to give you an inside look at the frustration I faced when one of my iPhones….malfunctioned.
     I got my iPhone 4 sometime around August of 2010. Everything was fine until about a year ago. A strange message would show up on my screen. My calls wouldn’t go through, I couldn’t get or send a text, and my internet was out the door. I shut off my phone and turned it back on. This seemed to fix the problem, so I went on with my day… little did I know that this was only the beginning.
     I soon realized that the issue was not going away and I tried, I really did try to live with it. But there comes a point when having to turn your phone off and on just to send a text becomes a bit ridiculous. I also started to think about the possible safety issues that this malfunction could cause. For example, if I am being chased by some creepy attacker, I highly doubt that he would listen to me if I said, “Excuse me sir, but can you hold on a second while I turn my phone off and then back on so that I can call for help, thanks a bunch doll.” A silly example, but I think you get my point.
     It turns out that the SIM card drawer had broken, and since I was past my warrenty, I would have to buy a brand new iPhone for about $400. That was not going to happen since I knew that a new iPhone was already in the works. So I decided to buy a run of the mill phone for $50 and save my upgrade for the iPhone 5.
     This Pantech has done me well, I can call and text without any hassle, and it has allowed me to separate from high tech gadgets for a while. But the time has come for me to rejoin my Apple sistren (?) and say hello to the iPhone 5!
     I am really looking forward to the newest addition to the iPhone family and will probably be just as in love with it as I have been with its other family members.

Until Next Time,
Jenna Buthman


  1. It's a sad day when a phone breaks. Especially for many people now days since it's in use so much! I'm curious if your problem could have been repaired instead of being forced to purchase another $400 iPhone. Pantech is a good choice for a hold me over, though. An update on your thoughts about the iPhone 5 would be great. - Daniel

  2. I understand your pain. Except you'll be unhappy to hear that it happened with the iPhone 5. About two days after I received the iPhone, it started saying that I did not have a sim card installed. The whole restart thing worked once, but then after that it was just completely useless. I brought my phone into Apple but it seemed that a lot of people were having the same problem I was. The store was packed, and it was not really worth waiting hours to have my looked at. It took about five days before I finally received an appointment. Five days with out a phone seems like a small problem, but it was a struggle to get things done without it. Seems a lot like first world problems, but it was an issue.

    Mike Reed

    1. Thank you so much for your comment. But I must say that is not a good thing to hear. I had hoped that with the new iPhone, all of my sim card problems would go away. I appreciate the comment and the warning. Maybe I'll wait a bit for Apple to sort out that issue. I can completely understand how a few days without a phone is an inconvenience and nothing more, but when it gets to the point where it is hindering you in other ways, and it becomes a safety issue, then it is time to find a solution. As stated in the post, I am in love with Apple, and nothing will break our bond, not even a faulty sim card tray. Thanks again for the comment, have a wonderful day! :)

  3. Even though people seem to think that Apple is a legendary company, but it does have flaws. People are extremely surprised when one of their products is defective or breaks. No company is perfect and without flaws in their products. I really like the fact that you brought up a critical possible situation that could happen and you would be in big trouble if your phone was not working. Other companies make well constructed products too, however they just do not have as much of a huge name as apple does.

  4. I got my first iPhone about a year ago and I have also started getting some minor issues with it. I believe that cellphones today are somehow made to not last past the next upgrade of the brand. Before smart phones became popular and I had a phone that could simply text and call which I used it for years without problems. It seems that phones nowadays break for any small thing and get malfunctions so that you have to buy new ones or wait for upgrades just like you.
