In addition to having their credit total erased, players found to be cheating must sit through a one-day ban from amassing any additional credits. The resets and bans were detected by Bungie's automated banning mechanism, which, Bungie admits, didn't grab every cheater. The 15,000 number is likely to rise soon, because Bungie will conduct a "more comprehensive pass" in the coming weeks to seek out and deal with additional cheaters.
I think this is good that people are getting banned for cheating. It doesn’t do you any good to cheat because you will be a high level rank and still be terrible at the game. Also, it takes all the fun out of the game. This has gone on in a lot of games in the past such as Modern Warfare 2. I really don’t think a one-day ban is long enough and it should be a week or more. Have you ever run into people cheating online? What do you think?
-Clay Chapman
I agree with you. The ban should be a lot longer than 1 day. I'm thinking like 1 month. I don't play Halo, but i do play a lot of other games. It's pathetic that people waste their time cheating... just play the damn game and earn your score. I also can't stand when the systems get hacked and then you don't have to purchase any of the games. I hate this! I buy every game for (unfortunately) $60, but this is life. Cheaters are only doing harm to themselves.
i think that the kids who got caught cheating should be banned for more than one day, but the again im glad they got banned at all because i have played halo reach and many other games online and i have ran into cheaters before. I got Halo the day it came out, by the second day i saw peoples profile where they already had everything unlocked and unless they are a freak of nature at video games im pretty sure they used a cheat code. one thing i want to know is how do these people find these type of cheats?