Thursday, October 14, 2010

Who's Packing Lunch?

     A recent shooting at a Dilworth restaurant left two people dead late last month. The incident happened at the Moe’s Southwest Grill on East Boulevard around 2:45 p.m. It is unclear if they were employees or victims but they were not customers. What is wrong with this picture? Can’t they afford a happy meal like the rest of the hungry and obese population?
     Another shooting that took place in July placed the suspects and victims at a Charlotte hotel. A fourth person was caught and charged with murder, attempted murder and various robbery charges. Murder and attempted murder I get, but, what exactly do various robbery charges mean? And, why can’t these thugs keep their turf battles confined to the streets and away from public places?
     I’m tempted to pack a rifle in my oversized gym bag if this trend continues. After all, the passengers on the 9/11 flight that stopped the plane from reaching its target made fighting back acceptable. And, you really can’t stop a grass roots movement.
     The question is how do you fight back if you’re not a certified tea toddler? For me to conceal a weapon would be like carrying around a live phone. I wouldn’t remember where I put it last. And then it would probably end up on the evening news as an accessory to the latest dollar menu caper. I’m frustrated and hungry.
-Julie Post


  1. " Can’t they afford a happy meal like the rest of the hungry and obese population?"

    Good part of the story. This article is definitely a twist from the others on the blog. Keep up the newsworthy work!

  2. Being a girl, i think it is alot more terrifying to be walking around alone and be considered as a victim of an act of violence. I know personally i would never carry around a gun, or any weapon for that matter, just in the mere fact that i would not completely trust myself with it. I Think it is up to our police and law enforcement to keep patrons safe. We should not have to take it into our own hands to keep ourselves safe. Although there are safety precautions we can take to help keep ourselves safe, we should not have to carry guns and weapons around to ensure our safety.

  3. Chris Watson:

    I honestly felt that the title didn't fit the article well enough. I thought I was gonna be reading about unhealthy food at McDonald's or something. Though it does cover a good topic. Why cant we be able to go out and just enjoy a meal without having to be concerned about our safety. This is an issue that restaurants should begin to take into their own hands. I'm unsure if they are allowed to have metal detectors in restaurants or have people get search before coming in, but maybe those could be two solutions to help fix this safety problem.

  4. I agree with the fact that it is hard for everyone to feel safe with people running around shooting others, but what is there to do about it? Compared to a city like Detroit where there is shootings every night, Charlotte is an extremely safe place to live. I don't think every person should have to deal with this kind of situation in their own hands, but by the time police were to get there you'd be dead. So like you said what is there to do? It's a very complicated topic but it brings up a lot of good issues.
