Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Motorola Sues Apple

            On October 6th Motorola released a press statement that they were filing three complaints against apple for alleged copyright infringement. According to Motorola, Apple has infringed on 18 different patents. Most pertain to wireless antenna technology on devices like the Iphone and Ipad, but it stands to reason that this may be a very big deal for the many users of these apple products. “We had no choice but to file these complaints to halt Apple's continued infringement. Motorola will continue to take all necessary steps to protect its R&D and intellectual property, which are critical to the company's business.” Said corporate vice president of intellectual property at Motorola Mobility Kirk Dailey. Motorola claims that they will file with the trade commission to have Apple bared from importing, selling, marketing or warehousing the products in question. For us Apple users, this means we may not be able to get a new Iphone for a while. If Motorola gets there way of course, Apple will change there technology, but how long could that take? What would it mean for the future of the Iphone design? It’s hard to say; this is a grime situation. However, there is a, slightly comical, silver lining on Friday, Microsoft filed a lawsuit against Motorola, saying the smartphone maker had infringed on nine patents in its Android-based devices. So who really has claim over what here?

- M. Tilley


  1. Motorola is just jealous. If all these companies keep squabbling over intellectual property, it's going to stunt innovation and make things worse for everyone in the long run. Taking down Apple will just make motorola/etc's own products even crappier, because they won't have such high stakes to go up against. This may make them happy in the short run, but in the long run it's just going to mean crappy phones for everyone. Luckily the iphone is already so awesome that I don't think a lawsuit like this could take it down.

  2. Interesting point. Who really can claim control of the pace technology is going. Consumers don't want to wait for their new toys, they want them NOW!

  3. motorola is just scrambling because they are clearly overmatched by the iphone, no matter what they do the iphone will always have the upper hand in my opinion.

  4. I think that you have to pick and choose what you believe in popular culture. I personally cant stand half of the nonsense that today's T.V. puts out. But that brings up the argument somebody must watch the show, or they wouldn't have it on television. I am afraid that too many people have become addicted to the garbage they put on T.V. This leads to people being very ill informed on other more important issues. Popular Culture is all well and good, but there are some things that we don't need to see. For example some episodes of Maury....

    --Clay Hanback

  5. I think that companies like Apple and Motorola are just trying to get ahead of the game with new technology, and it's hard for Motorola and other cellphone companies to do so, when Apple has such a grip on the market. Obviously Apple seems to be the first to come out with a new innovated designs that have swept away other cellphone companies, but who's to say who came up with it first. How are companies suppose to compete with the same sort of technology, if its all copyrighted? It seems like these companies are just trying to find a way to get into the market and compete with Apple.
