Tuesday, October 12, 2010

I Told You So

       “I told you so.”  How many times throughout our life do we hear this impossible phrase?  Parents constantly instill values and tools in their children for them to use later in life; however when kids opt to do things on their own, in spite of their parent’s advice, they later look to their parents with sad faces and the automatic “I told you so” replays over and over in their head.  The person, in any situation, who declares “I told you so” seemingly knows the outcome before we fully engage in the act.  Therefore, why don’t we take the easy way out and avoid negative consequences and the simple fact of having to admit that the other person was right?’
       However, to combat this question, do we necessarily have to take the easy way out?  Starting with grade-school, and even on through college, teachers encourage us to think analytically; to think outside of the box.  Entrepreneurs flourish in society as a result of their unique thinking processes and their novel ideas.  We’ve been taught to differentiate ourselves from others in order to make our mark on society.  So why would we necessarily follow the exact steps that others propose just to avoid the “I told you so” effect? 
       Understandably, parents advise children to make their lives easier.  At a young age, we were not necessarily equipped to conquer the world.  However, as we mature and reach adulthood, we have the ability to make wiser decisions.   Actually experiencing some avoidable situations may teach us valuable lessons that we learn from.  We don’t always have to listen to friends and handle things as they would.  Try simply recognizing the advice of others, instead of always taking it to heart.  We each have our own mind.  Utilize this precious tool that we were born with.  Free yourself from the constraints of the world’s advice and experience what it’s like to fly solo and think freely on your own terms.

-Brittani Hunter


  1. There is wisdom found in listening to advice. However, life is ever changing and we really need to blaze our our paths at times. Love the pic!

  2. I totally agree! So often we get caught up in listening to others that we block out what our intuition is telling us. Usually, we know deep down what is best for ourselves. When we put to much importance on the opinions of others we tend to lose our own thoughts. It is a good idea to listen to advice, but in the end trust in your own beliefs.
