Saturday, October 9, 2010

All Hail Design!

What is graphic design? Well everything you see, pretty much, is graphic design. Take a second to look around. You probably see a coke can on the table, or a school logo on a banner. All graphic art. Driving down 77 you look up at the green exit signs to identify your location, graphic design. If your shopping, you look at the store you wish to enter by reading their bright neon sign. A graphic artist made the design for that logo. My point here is simple, graphic design is underappreciated. The time and effort you have to put in, to each project is nothing of simplicity. As a designer myself I once too ignored the beauty of good design, but try to take notice. Art is great and its everywhere, you just need to look in front of you. 
-Scott Marsicano


  1. This a very valid assessment. Being of the artistic persuasion, I can completely understand the logic of what Scott is saying. To most, the amount of graphic design that is thrown at you in everyday life goes relatively unnoticed, but so much of what is marketed to people deals in graphic design.

  2. Graphic design is everywhere! However, it is easier to notice the bad graphic designs, rather than the good ones. I happen to look at both good and bad, because I like to pay attention to anything that is creative. I consider myself pretty creative. I would love to learn more about how to create graphic design because It could definitely benefit me! :)

  3. Graphic design is a booming industry. Everything in society entails in design -- therefore this market is ever-growing. I want to take a couple of courses in graphic design, so i can start graphically designing some of my own work. I completely agree with this post.

  4. Graphic design is most definitely apart of our day-to-day. Brands such as Coke, can be spotted anywhere. The industry has evolved tremendously over the past couple of years, I can not imagine how graphic art will enhance in the future .

  5. Graphic designs are everywhere recently in my child development class we spoke about how children understand symbols (graphic designs) before they even understand when they see the word. Take mcdonalds for example many children have know idea if they saw the world Mcdonals but when they see golden arches or even the big red clown on a poster they instantly no mcdonals. I am a non artistic person but I completely agree with you and i truly feel that going through my day today and seeing the everyday signs i am going to take a look and look deeper into the design and time put in. Thank you for opening my eyes. its the little things in life that people need to take the time to look at and look deeper into the graphic design world.

  6. I do agree with you about graphic design. After reading your post I did look around more and realize that graphic design is everywhere. I am amazed at some of the graphics that I see on a day to day basis. Especially in theses Pixar movies and video games. Sounds like there is a lot of money in this field.

  7. I completely agree with Scott and Will. Graphic design is everywhere. In a normal day, the average college student cannot get away from graphic design. Here on campus, we have new banners that were put up around the campus last week. The Queens logo and a picture of a current student are on the face of the banner. Graphic design has gradually went from cardboard cut-outs and billboards to receiving advertisements of companies on our cellular devices. Graphic design will evolve into even greater things than it is now with the introduction of new technology.
