Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Popular Culture

      The last couple of days I have been bed ridden as a result of a go around with strep throat and as I was sitting on my bed feeling sorry for myself watching the typical garbage TV shows. As I was watching some poor women trying to figure out whom the father of her child was I couldn’t help but think what kind of effect this has on me? Now I know that im just mindlessly watching the show not taking anything to seriously and not thinking in depth into the scenarios on the screen, but is it possible that this sort of television is just fast food for the mind. Filling me up with slim to none nutritional value? I don’t know about you but this is concerning for me! Brings me to the question; is popular culture good or bad for you? Does it fill your brain with non-sense, or, does it do the opposite? Does it teach one things that books cannot? My personal belief is that popular culture is exactly what you make of it. If you take everything you hear and see with a grain of salt, add some rationality and make sure you don’t go over board with analysis you can pull some good things out of it.                      
-Ross Radcliffe

1 comment:

  1. I agree with you,so much of TV today is worthless shows that seem to lower the IQ of America. One example of this that I have seen is the Jersey Shore. People get so wrapped up with this show and watch it religiously but really what is the point in watching it. TV has become something to kill time and gives us something so that our minds basically shut down. I am a avid TV watcher but I agree with you that you need to be rational when you watch tv and realize that this is only entertainment
