Monday, October 18, 2010

Gap is Back!

Gap is back. One week after Gap clothing company swapped its old logo without saying a word, fans and shoppers were in outrage over their new design. Gap North American president, Marka Hansen, stated they now realize how successful their logo was for consumers. He also pointed out that he missed a chance to involve their customer base, in getting input for any new design. This is called Crowd sourcing. As a designer myself, a good business solution for your company would be crowd sourcing. This shows the consumer that the company isn’t out for the big buck. It shows their cliental that the product their investing in, has a value behind it. The reason I like this topic is because fans of Gap, in rage, swamped twitter, facebook and outside social networks on how the new logo was awful, all within the first days upon release. Gap facebook has over 700,000 fans, and they made their point clear. Ditch the new logo. To me it looks like a tech-based logo. You can see the bold-faced type and small square design; making it look futuristic almost, or technical. Which one do you like better?

-Scott Marsicano


  1. Got to love Gap. Old or new logo it's a great company with great prices. Granted their new designs are pretty hip their throw back stuff is classic.

    Matt D

  2. It seems to be a trend for stores to re-brand themselves this year. Belk just swapped their classic "B" for a new "modern southern style" that is also causing mixed emotions. I personally haven't seen the new GAP logo but if the new one was really so bad why mess with a good thing? I think they are smart to stick with what the people know and love

  3. Yeah there was a lot of feed back from that horribly designed logo. The design was actually so bad in my opinion and showed such a lack of vision/innovation on Gap's part that I think it was intentionally under developed to get a response from consumers. There is no such thing as bad publicity.


  4. I would have to say that the old logo is the way to go for gap, I understand how they would like to have a new image and move forward with a fresh start. The old logo is what people have been used to for so long, thats what people who do shop at the gap have always looked for when walking through the mall. In my opinion they should just stick to the old logo, people relate to that, and i cant see a clothing company having changing their logo help the sales that much as like say apple did with computers.

  5. For a change like this one, crowd sourcing should have been the first thing the Gap president should have thought of. I am into fashion as well and know that even if it comes down to the design of the logo or another small change and it doesn't sit well with the customers. The company might lose some. It is great that Gap wants to try a new image in the new era but getting the customer's opinion is key to getting more publicity of their store. Crowd sourcing has become an important network to use in the day of technology.

  6. Like most people I hated the new Gap logo. The old/current logo isn't that iconic either but at least it's easily recognizable and when you see it you immediately know what the product is. I feel like department stores are going through the same branding crisis the NBA went through in the '90s where every team wanted a new hip design with new colors to attract a new crowd. Now we're seeing most NBA teams that rebranded in the 90s heading back to old style logos, uniforms and colors. I can only imagine that is what we'll see from Belk's new logo and Gap if they do decide to change. Some brand's have timeless logos, so why change?

  7. I say that the old logo is better for Gap. Its understandable that they would wanna change things up and move toward the future like a lot of other companies, but obviously thats not the way to go for Gap. Their old logo was working just fine and by changing it, they made a lot of people upset. Their old logo was perfect for their company and there was no need for them to change it.

  8. I think this incident can turn out to be a win for Gap North America. The opportunity of wheeling in those 700,000 fans, using their support through social media to increase sales will defiantly turn out to be a win-win.

  9. I am so glad that that the president of the company decided to change back the logo. GAP's logo is distinct and people have known what it looks like for years now. The new one was awful. It did not look like a clothing company; it looked like a logo for a computer company! Crowd sourcing is a very smart thing to do if Gap ever decides to change anything again. The consumers are the people buying the product, they are the ones that need to be happy about the company. So, good job Gap in realizing the right thing to do.
