Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Why do we love the oldies?

           When I first met my roommate, it was the day before school. I was nervous I was excited and I was looking forward to a good year. He sent me a facebook message that was most likely very typical to the first conversation any guy has with his in coming roommate. The entire message was “ hey I guess were roommates, I have an xbox and a N 64”. I was pretty pumped when I read this. But what’s interesting is we play more N 64 than anything else! It amazes me that we have all this updated cool technology and we play a game system that was invented when I was eight years old. I know I am not the only one. If someone were to log onto eBay they would be able to see that old game systems and technologies are making a come back! I wonder why this is? Are people comforted by the simplicity of the past and are getting fed up with the new complex technologies of the present? I know that sometimes when I am having a long day and I get back to my room all I want to do is zone out and enjoy a nice game of “Zelda” or “Bomber man”. I am wondering what you think. Why do people enjoy playing the oldies?
-- Ross Radcliffe


  1. I agree, i love all my old games especially the games on N64. N64 was my first game system i had. I still enjoy playing all the oldies because the new games relate to those. MARIO thats all i have to say!!!!!!!!!!

  2. I love playing the N64. My friends and I were playing it just the other day and talking about how bad the graphics are on it compared to the xbox or play stations. I think people play the oldies because they bring back a lot of childhood memories and it makes them feel like they can just sit back and relax and play something they enjoy. Everyone who is still playing the N64 today who had one as a child knows the game like the back of their hand. When you can bring a memory like that into the present with your new friends it makes it that much more desirable to play...even if the graphics are bad.

  3. I don't own a video game console personally, but if someone had an N64 I would be able to play it. Same with an old super nintendo, or an old gameboy. If I try to play anything more recent (like xbox, playstation) I can't even make my guy walk forward let alone shoot a gun or whatever. A lot of the games available for N64 are simple and fun, not terrifyingly realistic like some new games.

    Having said that, the Wii is a new game system that everyone loves to play. I can play it even though it didn't come out in 1995. The Wii works for the same reasons N64 is still popular, I think. Because the games are simple and fun, and it's intuitive to figure out how to play.

  4. The oldies will always be goodies. I don't have much time to devote to learning new video game systems. Until recently I enjoyed the satisfaction I found in the original playstation where Crash Bandicoot, frogger and jet moto were always fun. the new systems are too complex and require days of playing just to become familiar with the controller. Sega systems are always fun too. Mario brothers never let us down!

  5. It is funny that you said the N 64 because me and my roomates have actualy brought out the ps2 in our apartment. we have all the updated systems but there is something about those games you played growing up that makes them special. The game itself or graphics arent nearly as good but that game was a big part of your life, because growing up when N 64 came out it was the big thing, the same goes with PS2. So i would have to say good post Ross, I love the oldies.

  6. Juan Carlos GonzalezOctober 25, 2010 at 1:58 PM

    I believe the reason why we enjoy the oldies so much is because they are something we grew up with. Just think about it, when you were a little boy, these things were just coming out; they were a huge sensation to every kid of our age (back then). These games are part of our childhood, they are a big part of our lives (and most people take them for granted). Whenever we play these games nowadays, it brings back memories from when we were first introduced to them, and it also brings back memories, along with a feeling of great comfort. I like to think that they serve as a time machine into our childhood. This happens to me all the time, and I can relate to you 100% when you say that sometimes after a long day, all I want to do is play some Zelda. =)
