Monday, October 18, 2010

Smart Phone Data Plans

Do you own a smart phone? If so, you are aware of the high priced data and rate plans. I think it is absurd too that you have to pay $20 for unlimited texting, then on top of that $30 for unlimited data plan. I am lucky because AT&T is not even offering the unlimited data plans anymore. You now get 2 gigabytes of data usage for $25. Lastly, you have to pay for your voice minutes too. Nation 900 anytime minutes are $60. The current plan I am on is $40 for 450 minutes, that is not many minutes at all. I just think it is ridiculous with the amount of people using cell phones now that these companies still have extremely high prices. Most people’s cell phone bills are $80 to $120 a month. That’s around $1,200 a year if not more. Verizon and AT&T have the same pricing for their plans, so there is no escaping it if you switch from AT&T to Verizon or the other way around. Everyone thinks that switching to Verizon for the iPhone is going to save them money, but they have the same pricing options. I just think these companies should drop the price to make it more affordable for everyone to use. What do you think?

-Clay Chapman 



  1. Even though the prices of these smart phones are gauged by cell phone companies; it's the consumer decisions to purchases these phones in the first place. With that being said, in addition to the high pricing of data and minute plans, it all seems to work out properly in the end for me. I own an iPhone 4 which carries a heavy price monthly charged, but it was my decision to purchase the phone in the first place -- therefore i will have to make a sacrifice and pay that charge every month. In this argument, I will have to side with the cell phone companies.

  2. Good point Clay. You definitely saw when the demand for smartphone and blackberrys started to increase these wireless companies wanted to capitalize ne it. You used to have to pay close to 300 for a blackberry, these days verizon is doing buy one smart phone, get one free. They end up making all the money back because these pricey data plans are required with these new smartphones. Hopefully over time and with all of these wireless companies competing the rates will lower soon rather than later

    -M. Ellis

  3. Clay I totally agree. I have a droid incredible on Verizon network and i'm paying so much freaking money!! Not only do you pay these prices, but you are paying service charges and taxes too! My $30 for my data plan, which comes standard with a smart phone on Verizon, is actually $40 when you add their extra fees! This is pathetic! These phones are becoming so common that I don't see why they wont make a price deduction! This is crazy.


  4. I agree. It is almost impossible to have a decent cell phone bill these days with the prices of all necessities they know most people need like data plans and unlimited tetxs. I joined a family plan with my brother to come out a little cheaper but i am still in the range of 80-120 a month. There has got to be something company's can do have more reasonable plans. But i guess they know that in world we live in today people will pay for their technology so why not benifit?

  5. This is the number one reason I do not have an iPhone, the price. It is insane to pay over 100 dollars a month for one cell phone bill. There are many other phones and other companies that are just as high-tech as the iPhone. For example, I use Sprint, I have had it since I was in 7th grade. It always has great connection, I get a new phone every 2 years, and the price for unlimited everything (texting, internet, apps...) is only 70 dollars a month. Why do other companies still keep the price so high? and on another note, why doesn't Sprint get the iPhone? It would be good for the consumers and Apple.
