Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Thanksgiving Nerf War

Every family has their favorite holiday traditions, and mine occurs on Thanksgiving.   The tradition I love is the annual thanksgiving nerf gun war.  I am the oldest of 11 grandchildren so the nerf war is taken very seriously.  I have always enjoyed the thanksgiving nerf war and even though I’m older I still participate.  The rules for the nerf war are simple.  We run around and shoot each other and if you’re shot three times you have to return to base.  You’re not supposed to aim to hit above the neck but sometimes it happens which is never good.  Then we all go into the paddock with some woods in it and separate out the teams by boys versus girls.
 Except for Henry who was ok with playing on the girls team in order to even out the numbers.  

Everyone seems to have their own fight tactic.  It was funny to watch my cousin Jack use a large log as a bunker.  He would hide behind the log and shoot people as they ran by.  The little girls continued to get distracted by the pony’s but helped out as much as they could.  Fortunately there were no fatality’s and only one injury.  Henry was shooting at his brother Jamie who was above him in a tree.  Henry couldn’t hit Jamie but Jamie managed to plant a foam bullet right in Henry’s eye.  Henry crashed to the ground wailing holding his hand over his eye.  “It just hurts so much I feel like my eye is about to burst”, he kept screaming.  Being the only form of adult supervision I went to help Henry who said that he was done with the nerf war.  Henry and I walked back to the farmhouse where my grandma gave him a big slice of pumpkin pie.  He was so excited when he got the pie.  “Pumpkin pie just goes really really fast in my house” he said as he was wolfing it down. 

I consider the thanksgiving nerf war a success, because the only injured soldier was instantly cured with a slice of pumpkin pie. 



  1. My cousins and I used to have nerf gun fights every thanksgiving too! They occurred at my Great Aunt's old house, which was in the middle of the legit desert. Like, cacti and snakes and rocks and dirt. The best way to spend a holiday about thankfulness and family is to shoot your cousins in the face with a nerf dart.

  2. I LOVED THIS! My cousins and I always have some type of game going everytime we get together as well. We do not necessarily use nerf guns, but come up with our own made up games. Haha It is always a joy to get together with family of all ages and still be able to have fun. I know you enjoyed yourself even though you are the oldest and I would say to keep doing it until you are not capable of running and trying to get away from your younger cousins!

  3. I like the fact that all eleven grandchildren participate in something that looks like a really cool way to work up a sweat and burn off some extra calories before the big meal. The fact that there's that many folks participating is so cool, and the one kid who got hit in the eye got rewarded with pie. Not a bad way to go out necessarily.
