Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Airport Fun

Tomorrow I am flying home for the weekend. I really enjoy flying. That’s probably kinda weird, I know, but it’s relaxing to me.  The idea of going somewhere different and new is exciting, even if it’s home.
From the start, when I go through security and pass the annoying TSA security checker its like a new world; a world where everyone is rushing, to be early, because they’re late, or because they’re so busy. 

I like people watching at airports. I buy a coffee if its morning, or a beer or cocktail if it’s the evening, and sit at the bar facing the concourse and watch the people pass by. People at airports dress in extremes; they either dress really badly or to the nines. I like watching the people dressed poorly the most. If they’re American, they are probably wearing white New Balance sneakers, badly fitting jeans, and a T-shirt that says something like “I survived the Grand Caynon” or “The Florida Keys: A small fishing village with a big drinking problem.” Bad shirts like that. If they’re foreign, they’re most likely wearing a velvet sweatsuit or Ed Hardy like clothes.

Besides people watching I like being at the airport because it gives me time to think. When I travel alone, I have plenty of time to sit and reflect on where I’m going and where I’m coming from, both figuratively and quite literally. It’s an interesting perspective. There are most likely positives and negatives to where you’re going and where you’re coming from. 
This weekend when I’m traveling, I’ll have plenty of time to people watch and think. I recommend that next time you fly, which might be over Christmas break, that you take the time to try to enjoy the experience at the airport. Watch people, reflect, and most of all, where ever your’re going, DON’T BUY A TACKY T-SHIRT!

-Calvin Lescault 


  1. Traveling alone is an experience everyone should have. While I don't people watch quite so much, I do think that whatever country you're in the locals flying will be dressed more tacky, or less dressed to impress than the foreigners. Regardless, it's a good way to pass the time at an airport. But the part you wrote about reflection describes what I use personal travel time for. A transition in location usually means a change in my thought process. This is why flying is great, because I can think on this while not having to worry about driving or keeping a friend or relative company.

  2. I love traveling by myself and especially by airplane. Being from Sweden, Europe, I have had many experiences already at airports and traveling alone. I spend most of my time, just like you, people watching. It is extremely interesting to watch people from different countries and cultures, to see the way they dress, but also act. Even though I agree with you on the Americans' dress code I know foreigners wear other things than just Ed Hardy clothes and velvet sweatsuits... But maybe I see it from another perspective since I am a foreigner myself, who knows?

  3. Aniyah (Yasmeen) PendletonDecember 5, 2012 at 10:28 AM

    Traveling alone is an excellent experience. Though I can be sociable at times, flying is one thing that I'd rather do on my own (at least as of right now). I can sit there, chill, and think without some friend or family member trying to talk to me (in fact, I even get irritated when flight attendants wake me up to ask me if I'd like something to drink. Do I look thirsty, or do I look sleep? Common sense people. Oh, and I don't like when the person sitting next to me tries to start a conversation, but that's a different story.) And I know what you mean about the people-watching. I don't do it intentionally, but I can't help but to notice when you're in the airport, you get a small glimpse of the world. There are all KINDS of people moving about! Without even realizing it sometimes, I'll stop in the center of the airport and just look around in awe (peculiar, I know). I tend to see the most people in those huge airports that require you to take a train to different parts of the area.

    All I know is, I absolutely love traveling, particularly by air. If the process is done correctly ahead of time, the experience is painless, easy, and relaxing.

  4. Ha! I do the same thing when I am traveling. I find it entertaining playing games while at the airport, one of my favorite games if I am with someone is the identity game. So you choose a random person in the terminal and basically give them an identity based off what they are wearing and behaving. It can be endless amounts of fun. I think what resonated the most from your blog post was reflecting. This is something I commonly do while at the airport. I like to reflect back on where I am going, and life in general.
