Thursday, November 8, 2012

Who are we? Oh yea, AMERICAN’s

            The last few months have been some of the most hectic months I have ever been apart of.  From the Democratic convention being held in Charlotte, to the numerous campaign ads completely downplaying the other candidate’s credibility, to the world wide debates where the two presidential candidates squared off answering questions and questioning ideas.  All the past months led up to Tuesday: the day that America voted on which person this country was going to be President for the next 4 years.  As we all know now, President Obama was reelected and will continue to serve as our Commander-in-Chief.

            While all this hoopla was happening and people were cheering or booing, the thing that I caught onto and bothered me the most as I tried to sleep was how outrageous and embarrassing some people opinions were of the outcome.  I am not going to say who I voted for, because that should be everyone’s personal choice that he or she should not share to the world, but some of the twitter, facebook and responses in general were absolutely absurd.

            What people don’t understand is that at the end of the day, we are all American.  We have the same rights and everyone should respect and appreciate the American government.  Quite frankly I got sick and tired of hearing peoples negative outburst of how “This sucks” or “I am moving” or “This country is screwed.”

            While this election was an important step in determining which path the country was going to take in the next 4 years, people need to realize that no matter who won, the intentions of the United States remain the same, no matter who is in office.  So, I leave with you with this: whether or not your guy won or not, I hope that you and others will put your egos aside and at the end of the day not chant for either of the nominees, but come together as one and say proudly, “USA, USA, USA.”  That’s what’s made, and will continue to make this country the best country in the world.



1 comment:

  1. I agree, too much on for one side can be detrimental on focusing on what matters the most . weather rooted the president is politically red or for blue is a minor detail. What is important is that he will do what is right and for the best interests of the country.
