Thursday, November 8, 2012

Making Friends in College!

     Let’s face it; we’ve all been there. You walk onto the campus of a strange new place and you are alone. Every face is new, every person you pass holds his or her own history, and every step you take leads you further and further into your new life. You’ve started College!!

     Welcome to the how to make friends in college 101 blog post!! You see, that right there was step  Number 1: Be friendly. No matter what you were like in High School or how you think people will perceive you in College the best advice I can give you is to slap a smile on that pretty face and be friendly. People approach friendly people and they want to get to know them. Put aside any stereotypes you may have about your new classmates and be open to everyone, they may just surprise you.
     Number 2: Talk to people. It sounds easy but I promise you on those first few days, regardless of if you are freshman or a senior, you will be in a new class with some new people. Don’t be afraid to start up a conversation. I find that, “So what’s your major?” is a great conversation starter. Keep it to something that you are both experiencing… like college!
     Number 3: Lunch anyone? Ok, this one may sound strange and to be honest I thought it was weird when I first heard it but it works. Ask people to lunch. Girls, guys whomever. Everyone likes food in college and you all have to eat so towards the end of the conversation you have now started get that little burst of courage and say, “Hey do you have class after this? Want to grab lunch?” If they say no, rain check it, and if they say yes, then you are that much closer to completing the friend-making checklist!
     Number 4: Be honest and share. I am all for honesty and am definitely one of those people who will tell you my entire story without blinking an eye. No one likes to be lied to or misled, plus it really makes the whole leap from acquaintance to friend a whole lot faster if you are honest and open with the person. Share your story, let them know about who you are and don’t be afraid of how you may be judged. In other words “you do you’. If they don’t like it… that’s their problem.
     Number 5: Have fun! Friends are there for you to enjoy. Relax and enjoy the friendship that you have created. Go out, hang out, and goof off! Being a good friend is easy, it does take some effort and caring on the side of both parties, but I’m sure that if you can get into College, you can follow these five simple steps to not only meeting some lovely new people but to possibly making some lifelong friends!

Until Next Time,
Jenna Buthman


  1. Jenna, this is sound advice. I remember my biggest fear last year was making friends. I used to get so anxious at meals. I didn't want to seem like a loser if I sat alone. It was hard for me to get to know anyone during orientation. There were too many activities and too little time. Thankfully, I found my friends by wandering around Albright. Having a support system and people to hang out with really boosted my self confidence. My friends were my motivation to get involved on campus and chill out on the weekend. I don't know what I would do without them. It seems like you really value your friends too; your pictures really add to the post.

  2. these are very important rules for making new friends in a place where most people feel like they are on their own. your advice seems to be clear and helpful. im looking forward to using these tips in the near future.
