Monday, October 29, 2012

Iphone Incident

     Have you ever had a feeling like life was over or a feeling like your heart stopped for a second? Those types of moments are something serious. On October 15, 2012 which was a Monday, I dropped my IPhone pulling up my pants. This incident occurred at exactly 11:53 because I just left my Social Psychology class. I was wearing my grey basketball sweats that day. The pants are comfortable and all but the pockets are not deep at all. So as I was walking, I pulled up my pants because I know my coach hates that and it gives off a negative view of me. While pulling up my pants, my IPhone dropped out my pocket and hit face first on the screen. As soon as it hit, I heard glass shatter. It took me at least 2 minutes to pick the phone up because of the noise I heard. When I picked the phone up and looked at the screen, my day went bad from there. I didn’t do any work after that, which I was supposed to do a paper but instead of doing the paper I sat in the café for at least an hour mad. The part that made me mad was when I dropped it; it hit the corner on the cement, right beside the grass. My reaction wasn’t quick enough to kick it to the grass. After it hit the ground and shattered, I just kept wishing I could redo that moment all over again and kick it to the grass. Wishing doesn’t always come true, just letting you know because mine didn’t. Now I have to get my screen repaired. Coming from me and everyone with an IPhone, I advise you to get an Otter Box to protect the phone and the screen.

Antonio Stabler


  1. I totally know what you mean when you say you wish you could re-do the moment all over again. My first iPhone dropped out of my sweatshirt pocket one day while I was on vacation. It was the first day in awhile that I had taken my case off and didn't think anything of it. To this day I joke about it now and say my iPhone jumped out of my pocket and "committed suicide" because there was no way I was so careless. I was fortunate enough to be able to replace my phone with the new iPhone but it was still an awful experience to say the least.

    -Stephanie Yocum

  2. That is truly unfortunate. I definitely understand how you initially felt though. Years ago, I was getting ready to go on my prom. In an attempt to fit my phone in my clutch and get it closed, I cracked my screen...the kind of crack that leaves you're screen either white, black, or colorful. I was so livid I didn't want to go on prom anymore. I guess you are right: get some sort of protection for your phone. You never know what could happen.

  3. I am so sorry about your phone, I know the feeling. I shattered my last phone's screen after dropping it and I was so mad at myself. I am really clumsy and it frustrates me so much whenever things like that happen to me. All you can do is try to protect yourself from letting things like that happen, like getting an Otter Box. My case for my Iphone recently broke (because I dropped it...) and I desperately need to get a new one so I won't damage my phone.

  4. It's the worst feeling when you drop your iPhone. Especially when you drop it on a hard surface like concrete. The moment of truth comes just after it falls when you pick it back up to check if the front or back glass is shattered. I know exactly what you mean when you talk about kicking it to the grass. All it would've taken was a tap of the foot to make it land on a soft surface rather than the brutal concrete. Luckily they have places now where you can get the glass fixed for cheap, but until then you should look into getting a case.

  5. I'm sorry about your phone. I don't understand why apple products are so fickle. I've dropped my android tons of times and it has dented, but the screen is almost as good as new. Apple products are notorious for being easy to break, internally and externally. I have an iPod classic and you can't even exercise with it because the hard drive inside it is so sensitive. I don't want to push a certain brand on anyone, but if you don't want to have to keep replacing your phone, I would recommend, like you said, getting an Otter Box, or switching to android.

  6. If only your reaction time was quicker. If only you could have punted your phone to safety. Don't grieve too much though; your phone is in a better place now. And flights of angels sing thee to thy rest. R.I.P. IPhone. We will never forget you. Maybe there are Otter Boxes in phone-heaven?

  7. I think everybody hates this! Dropping your phone is the worst because now you have to walk around with a broken phone. You know you should have invested in the otter box a long time ago! You live and learn! lol

    1. Yes, i should have invested in a otter box but i had that mind set that this wasn't going to happen to me. I have lived and learned and i will invest in a couple of them. Thanks for commenting though.

  8. I read all the other blogs but again I chose to comment on yours because you talk about real life events. As I was reading your blog, I thought to myself, "why didn't he have an Otter Box case?" Then I read the last sentence. You always have a message to your readers. That is what I like best about your blogging. You want to help others. My iphone has a case but not an Otter Box case. I am always afraid my glass will shatter. On my christmas wish list is an Otter Box. Hope you get your phone fixed or maybe you can get the new iphone5.

  9. I am sorry about your phone. You are learning a lot about life. It is the worst feeling when thing goes bad, but we learn from those experiences and move on. We could say if I had only, but that is not the case. When you get the new phone you will try and be more careful, but if this happen again and I hope not, you will learn for that experience and move on. Its called life.

  10. Having a Iphone is dangerous in itself. I know dropping it hurt alot. I was there when the incident occured and I know it hurt you. Dropping and breaking a Iphone is a realistic problem for anyone that owns one. I'm sorry about your phone hope ya get it fixed soon.

  11. I did this exact same thing last year and my heart really did stop for a second. I didn't want to tell my mom because I knew she would be furious with me. So it wasn't until Christmas break when she noticed I had cracked my phone. I lived with my cracked iPhone for almost 6 months. After a while i got used to it and it really didn't bother me. Definitely agree on the otter box!

  12. My biggest fear is dropping my iPhone... and I have an otter box! The first day I got it, my friend took it and threw it at a locker just to show me the otter box would protect it. That was the scariest moment of my life. Even though it looks so much better without the case on, I refuse to take it off because I don't want it to end up broken or cracked. My brother took his out of his case for the first time and guess what happened? He dropped it getting out of his truck and the screen shattered. Otter box has saved me more times than I can remember so I say if you don't have one, get one.

  13. Everybody has been smashing their Iphones lately. Then wonder why people that have Androids aren't so fast to switch to an Iphone. Yes the style is very smooth, but the quality could be a lot better for the price that is paid!

    1. i understand exactly what you saying and thats correct everybody has been dropping their iphone. However I'm not going to get on the Android topic. Iphones are better overall. Thanks for commenting and i hope you continue too.

  14. Yeah I totally get this. Our phones nowadays are such a vital part of our everyday life and whenever we lose or break one its like dealing with the loss of a vital limb. I have only ever dropped and broken my phone once, since then I buy all the protective gear possible so that it will never happen again. Though I still get a bit jumpy when I think I may drop it, Im not nearly as scared since I have so much protection on it.

  15. I have an iPhone as well, and when I first got it I decided to invest in a Life Proof case (knowing the kind of klutz that I am). While it's a bit thinner and longer than an Otterbox, it completely protects my phone. The case is shatterproof and waterproof, and I've even had someone tell me that he took his phone [in the case] underwater and listened to music, because it can go under up to 6ft! While the case was a decent investment (I think mine was $65 at AT&T when I first bought my iPhone), I've dropped my phone a few times and haven't had to worry about it breaking. Plus, when I take off the case, the phone will physically look brand new. I don't trust myself not to break my phone, and I'm sorry that yours did.
