Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Beam me up!

     I am a nerd.  Ever since I realized this, I have embraced it and proudly worn my nerd badge of honor.  Now you may be thinking, “Jenna, what is it specifically that makes you a nerd?  And what kind of nerd are you?”  Well my blog viewers, I am a sci-fi nerd.  I love it and just can’t get enough.

Patrick Stewart!
Nimoy and Shatner
     It all started sophomore year of High School.  I just happened to be flipping through channels and something caught my eye.  It was Patrick Stewart (the man who plays the kick-butt Prof.  Charles Xavier for the X-men movies).  So like I was saying, Patrick caught my eye and I said to myself, “Hey he’s a great actor, maybe I should give whatever this show is a shot.”  What was the show?  You guessed it baby… Star Trek: The Next Generation!  After about ten minutes I was hooked, and thus began my love affair with sci-fi.  Since that fateful day I have spread the love with other fantastic sci-fi television series’ and movies.

     Some of my all time favorites are: Star Trek The Next Generation, and Voyager (duh), Stargate SG-1, Stargate Atlantis, Battlestar Galactica (the new version) and the Youtube sensation RoosterTeeth (I know they are gaming, and I’m not into that, but it’s still pretty nerdy).

Me and my Klingon Pals
     I think the consummation of my love for Star Trek occurred when I traveled from Charlotte, NC to Las Vegas, NV in order to experience my very first… Official Star Trek Convention!  It was incredible!  Meeting the actors, hearing the stories from behind the scenes, seeing all the people who were dressed up as their favorite characters (though I did feel a bit out of place being one out of a handful of people in regular clothing). It was truly a fabulous experience.  Would I go again?  Maybe.  Would I be willing to go to a different shows convention?  Oh yeah!

Me and a couple of Aliens
     So basically, the moral of this blog is that no matter who you are or how you think people will judge you, you must be yourself.  (Even if that means that you received two Klingon Dictionaries for one Birthday haha).

Live Long and Prosper!
Until next time,
Jenna Buthman


  1. It's funny how you consider yourself a nerd for liking sci-fi. I was raised around fantasy and sci-fi novels and movies, but I've never called myself a nerd for liking those things. It's just an interest I have had for a long time. I've never watched Star Trek, but I have watched Doctor Who. I would definitely recommend watching that as well to get even more sci-fi in your life.

  2. The moral of this blog is a nice one, and I find it a bit funny since Sci-Fi is one of my favorite sub-genres of books/movies/television series as well. Mine didn't start with Star Trek (though I am currently working through every series in order), but when I was 5 years old and watched A New Hope with my brother. Being sucked into an interest like Sci-Fi, sports, or reading is great. It allows people to connect with others, and also provides a source of joy that can't be taken away. Embracing it is great.

  3. This was very fun to read. I'm a fangirl so I really get into TV shows too! When I really obsess over a show, I can't help but talk about it. Your post was very relatable because my mom loves sci-fi. She even told me the other day that she could quote TNG episodes because she'd seen the repeats so many times. I love that you embrace your nerdiness. Nerds will always be cooler and more interesting than normal people. No one should judge anyone for liking shows and movies.

    1. Haha Thanks so much for your comment! I tend to become a bit obsessive over TV shows as well. When I was first journeying through Star Trek and the Sci-fi world, I was constantly hounding my family with the latest plot points and twists and turns. (I'm sure they loved that haha). I do embrace my nerdiness and see it as a trait that I carry proudly! I believe that the ideas and values that i've learned through the Sci-Fi series' have truly made me who I am. Sci-Fi and Star Trek specifically is an amazing way for people to open their minds and see the world for what it truly is/could be.
      Jenna :)

  4. This was such a fun read, primarily because you got to go on such a cool adventure out to Las Vegas. What's even cooler is how you got hooked into Star Trek, just off of Patrick Stewart, and the fact that you really did own your nerdiness and not try to hide it in any manner. Kinda surprised you're not into Star Trek Deep Space since that technically is the "sequel" to Next Generation though.

    1. I never got into Deep Space, but I do love Voyager!

  5. This is so cool! I have never been to a star trek convention but I also love star trek. I grew up obsessed with star wars. I think I was princess Lea for halloween every year until high school. I was also a big fan of lord of the rings. I love that you embrace your inner trekkie because I feel as if more people should, especially cool girls. I remember being really embarrassed when I was younger over how much I loved star trek because I was such a nerd. However I have grown out of that phase and I am glad I did

  6. I grew up attending sci-fi conventions so I can totally relate to this! However, I originally started going with my father and he got me into the whole thing. They host a great show in Chicago every year called Wizard Con that you should definitely check out!

  7. the aliens couple is so scared! I dont like. But I like Halloween though. Because in China halloween is not that big of deal. I love everyone dress up and the kids can get to get candy. It is so cute.
