Thursday, September 20, 2012

Working the DNC

          Last week starting on friday the 31st of October until the thursday the 6th of September I worked at the democratic national convention.  One of the things that surprised me so much about working the convention was how friendly everyone was.  I realized that it’s amazing how much more you can experience when you take full advantage of an opportunity.

            On Friday while I was waiting in line for coffee I met a businessman around the age of 32 who invited me to a dinner party he was hosting for the mayor of Las Angles.  I took his number and at first was very skeptical about the whole situation but ended up going.  I decided that because the address to the party was for a restaurant downtown, I was going with a friend, and police officers were all over downtown due to the convention that I would be ok. 
I am so glad that I went because as soon as my friend Raulston and I arrived at the party and found Fabian Nunez who had invited us earlier that day we instantly felt welcome.  Fabian then introduced us to Antonio Villaraigosa Jr. who is the mayors son and Chris Delgado who is the mayors nephew.  The four of us hung out all night and ended up exchanging numbers so that we could see each other again.  All week long the boys brought us to almost every party they went to including a party hosted by Eva Longoria, and a small get together at Will I Am’s suite in the Ritz Carleton.  The week was crazy, I would make it back to my apartment sometime between 2 and 4 in the morning and then have to wake up at 7 to go to work for the dnc.  However I wouldn’t trade that week for the world.  And although I was exhausted after everything was over, years from now I’m not going to remember the experiences I had much more then how tired I was.                  
-Anna Kirwan 


  1. Wow Anna that sounds like a really awesome experience. You had an amazing opportunity at the DNC. What was it like to meet all of those new people? The cool ting is that those people will remember you and want you to come work for them in the future. At the PPL i had so many business follow me on twitter and have had a few calls about internships with a few. Its amazing how one minute your just there and another how you have become apart of something important.


  2. It sounds like you really made the most of your time during the DNC! The DNC was a particularly exciting time for Charlotte, and I envy you for being able to experience it in the way you did. Simply being uptown with all the hustle and bustle made for a fun week, and being able to work it with Comm360 was definitely an added bonus. I'm glad you had a great time with the DNC and hope you learned a lot!

  3. Meeting all those people sound awesome! A big thing when working an internship or something like the DNC is making connections for the future. All those people you got to meet durning the week was a great thing to start building up a contact list. Not to mention you probably couldn't have gotten into some of these places you went with out connections! Sounds like you totally made the most of your DNC experience.


  4. Wow! Your time with the DNC sounds pretty incredible! It's so great that you got to do all of that! I can agree with the tiredness being worth it. I worked at 4 AM for the show Morning Joe but I got to be around all of these incredible news anchors that I've looked up to my entire life. All those parties had to be full of interesting people and stories and now I'm sure you've made connections that will last a lifetime!

  5. Your time during the week of the DNC was certainly rememberable, I can imagine! I'm sure you took plenty of pictures and cherished every second of it. What I took from your post is that you can never underestimate the importance of opportunity and the beauty of spontaneity. I mean, can you imagine if you had decided NOT to go??? Glad you had a great experience :)

    Aniyah (Yasmeen) Pendleton

  6. Thanks guys, yes it was a lot of fun and a very good experience. I have been emailing a guy who works in D.C on capital hill for a press secretary. He said that he could get me an internship working with the media. If it all works out I could be going to D.C next summer for that internship.
