Sunday, September 16, 2012

Making the Most Out Of Bad Situations

Growing up in a rough neighborhood, you really can’t see your future. I lived in this apartment complex for 12 years. I saw the worst possible things in life. People were shot, kids got beat up for no reason and gangs fought each other daily. I grew up around a lot of violence but I never let the violence influence me to join. Living in this apartment complex I had to be in the house when the street lights came on, which was around 7:30. After dark, this complex became the worst place to live. We had two bolts on our main door along with a chain across the top. We also had a stick behind the balcony door because living on the second floor people usually find a way to get onto our porch. Making it through the night was a blessing, that’s anywhere you sleep but especially in that neighborhood.
During the day the apartment complex is a much better place to be. At this complex they had a playground, tennis court with a basketball goal on one side and a big grass area where we played football. I played every sport but basketball was my main sport. I could dribble, shoot, pass and jump. I had every basketball skill in my arsenal and my friends and family knew it. They encouraged me to play basketball and be the best that I could be. My family didn’t want me to end up like some of my friends that had no future for themselves because of theirs bad decisions. They also said people don’t expect kids to be anything in life that came from a rough neighborhood.
When my family told me that, my mind was made up. I started working on my game each and every day.  I attended Wakefield High school in Raleigh North Carolina. My senior year I was ranked number 12 prospect in North Carolina. After my senior year was finished, Queens University of Charlotte offered me a full ride scholarship to play basketball. This was the best moment in my life and I will cherish it till the day I die. No one in my family attended college so this is a major accomplishment to me and them. I have been in college for 4 years and my family and friends have been there right by my side no matter what. They came to many of my games and they also call and check up on me on a daily bases. Without my family and friends I don’t know where I would be right now and I thank them from the bottom of my heart.
Antonio Stabler


  1. Your story is inspiring. It is so great to see motivated people like you. What you have accomplished took years and years of strength and dedication. It is awesome that you were recognized for your accomplishments and talents by Queens. Getting an education is the best thing somebody can do for themselves, you and your family should be proud.


  2. I think a lot of people can relate to your story. It is always a great feeling to feel like you overcame the odds. Many kids need the same support you had when you were growing up! I think you should reach out to younger kids and give them the motivation they need to succeed!

  3. Coming from Philadelphia, I can certainly relate to struggle of being the opposite of what you are expected to be. Not only was I expected to become pregnant and drop out of high school, my guidance counselor's didn't bother helping me with college preparation because they thought they knew how I would turn out. I have much respect for you and others who have both the discipline and the courage to rise above the expectation. Striving to be better isn't an easy thing to do all of the time, but it certainly feels good once you've made it out!

    Aniyah (Yasmeen) Pendleton

  4. Your story is definitely inspirational. I can relate on one aspect. My older brother was the first to go to college, and graduate for that matter in my family. My family was extremely proud, as was I, so I can only imagine how proud your family was of you. Your story is a great one to pass on to people you may still know in need of a role model to look up to. You proved that it's possible.

  5. You really are speaking from the heart and it is inspirational. I know exactly what you mean cause I grew up in the same kind of neighborhood but only some of my own family were the ones involved. It feels good to know you can live through those things and still survive. Going to college is a big accomplishment and I am glad to know there are others like me who made it out too. Not everyone has to fall to the circumstances of their upbringing. More power to you!

  6. Your story is truly inspirational to read. I come from a small city with only 50,000 people but in my city kids are often swept up into the bad things and can't make it out in order to do something good with their life. It's amazing to see what someone so determined can do! It thrills me to know that people are getting out of these bad situations and doing such amazing things with their lives. These are the stories that give those still growing up hope and enough optimism to attempt making their life into something great.

  7. Wow, that was one of the most inspirational stories Iv read in a good while. It's nice to see people still have a go getter way about them. You turned you're dream into an reality and not many people can say that. You're willingness to work is obviously there and with that you will go far in life.Cheers to you and all your success and I am looking forward to this years season! "Play hard, work harder".


  8. It takes a lot of confidence to open up like this. I know the internet is big and anonymous, but I just wanted to say that I appreciate you sharing your story. Though I never lived it myself, I went to school with people living in bad situations. I have seen plenty of people make bad decisions because they accepted their lot in life. From my perspective, there is an entire culture that goes along with living in the hood. There are expectations and limits. The line in your post that stood out to me was "They also said people don’t expect kids to be anything in life that came from a rough neighborhood". What makes me glad is that you decided not to accept where you were. It is also wonderful that you come from a family that is supportive of your future. Even though I don't know you, I have respect for you. Thanks for sharing your story.

    1. Opening up is a very hard thing to do, but i felt like i needed to get that off my chest. Thanks for reading my blog and also commenting on it even though you couldn't relate. I hope you enjoyed the blog and continue to comment on my future blogs.

  9. I commend you for being able to share all of this. It must be so difficult and there are times where I wish I could relate. But you were given your lot to show you could do it and you could make it out. I've seen you play basketball before and I never could have guessed any of this. Good for you for making something of yourself! I can't wait to see how far you go in life, and when you do I'll be able to tell people "We went to college together and both had Dr. Neale for a class".

  10. I like the story as your really just giving a great visual of what your life was like as a child. Your writing style is very visual and it puts me in your living space. All I can say is that I admire that you and your family structure allowed you a chance to make it out of a bad situation.

  11. Like the other readers, I found your story inspiring. While I did not grow up in an apartment complex in a rough neighborhood like yours, I think that having determination and putting forth hard work to accomplish a goal is extremely respectable and motivational. I'm from the suburbs in Ohio, and private schools typically provide the best schooling that one can get. Going to college is an expectation (usually followed with punishments if not done), and I think it's somewhat of a tragedy that most people take higher learning at a good school for granted. Many of my friends probably don't belong in college, and they don't take it as seriously because they don't know what it's like to have to put forth the effort. I know individuals who have had things in life just handed to them because of their privilege, and they don't know what it's like to truly struggle or endure hardship. Your story is inspiring to me because you show how hard work can take you great places, despite where you come from. You have a lot to be proud of, and I think that being the first in your family to go to college is an amazing accomplishment.

  12. This is a very moving topic and story. To see someone go through the things you went through should encourage many people to want to be successful. Many have opportunities but do not take advantage of them like you did and they end up searching for jobs, etc. For me going to college was expected so I cannot really relate, but your story really made me think have I been taking advantage of my opportunities like I should. Because of the things you went through and the success you have already gotten you will go very far in life. Keep up the good work!

    1. I just wanted to Thank You for taking your time out to read and comment on my blog. Seeing people comment and saying that it was moving and inspiring is really encouraging to me. Opening up isn't easy but i felt like some people could relate. I know you couldn't but you commented anyway and i really thank you for that. Im glad you enjoyed the blog and hope you continue to comment on my future blogs.

  13. This article is quite inspirational. Your dedication has really paid off. It literally did, seeing as you got a full ride at Queens. I know that with your fervor for success, you can accomplish anything you set your mind to. Basketball is a most delightful sport, and it is great when getting involved in an activity can put someone on the right path.
    - Shannon Fowler

  14. This was very motivational. I was able to connect with you in certain situations. Basketball has always been an outlet for me too coming from a small town. It makes me realize that we should be grateful and appreciate all the things that we have to go through to get where we are. You have made me want to keep pushing no matter what my situation is!
