Thursday, September 20, 2012


     Pets. I have had many pets during my lifetime and all have been not only a cute and cuddly animal, but also a dear friend. Animals are sweet and gentle, protective and understanding. There is a reason that dogs are “man’s best friend”. I have found that I tend to think of my pets as my babies. They are “helpless” and need/deserve our care. But the care goes both ways. There are times when I am sick or sad, and my cat, Friend (yes, his name is Friend), will jump up and lay down next to me. There have been days where my dog, Otto has brought me into a better mood because he is, well to be frank; he is the most ridiculous little man in the world. I think that the connection between humans and animals is much stronger than we believe. Humans are animals; I don’t think that it is all that surprising that we (as humans) should create bonds with other creatures of this planet. 
Shepard in all his glory
     My current pets are “the boys”: Plato, Otto, and Shepard. They are the puppies of the family. We call them puppies but none are younger than two years old. Then there are the kitty cats, Savvy, our prissy little princess, and Friend, my loveable, goofy and partially psychotic, baby boy. They each have their own personalities and there own habits. Plato is a bit of a loner, while Otto just can’t get enough attention. Shepard is strong and wise but can also be a big old baby. Friend is a cat, and yet one of his favorite toys is a regular sized tennis ball. There is more to animals than meets the eye. 
Savvy, smashing herself into a shoe box

     I understand that they may not be sentient and have a “thought-processing center”, but maybe we are wrong. Just because we as humans have evolved, doesn’t mean than the other animals haven’t. How can we be sure that when a dog barks, he isn’t telling his friend about the kibbles and bits he had the night before? We can’t, it’s as simple as that. But this post is not about who is the more advanced species, its about the love of humans and their pets. If you have ever had a pet then you understand what I mean when I say that you have a protective attitude towards your pets. If you haven’t, then imagine your favorite item, now make it cute, funny, intelligent, caring, and give it a soul. 
That is what a pet is. 

Until next time,
Jenna Buthman


  1. I love this post because I also understand the bonds that can be formed with household pets. Sometimes I feel as if people overlook the importance of relationships with animals. I remember some of the first bonds I ever made were with household pets. When I was seven I cried for hours over the death of my goldfish.

  2. People do in fact take their pets for granted. There are some families that merely get a pet and only see it as something that they need to feed and clean up after. Pets are there for you when you need them. When my grandmother was sick in the hospital, she would have a dog come visit her every day and reduce her stress because she knew it was her time. Pets can have a healing effect like no other. Thank You for reminding everyone just how important pets can be.

  3. I really like your post. The bond between you and your pet is really strong. People really don't understand that the relationship between the two is really important. I have a toy Aussie and she is very protective over me. If she doesn't know you she will do everything to make sure I am safe. She loves to cuddle in bed with me. I had to give my mutt away cause I couldn't take care of her between school and work. It was hard. I remember crying for about two hours. I wonder if she was okay with the people I left her with. But I do still get to see her. Pets really are your friend. They have a bond no one can break. They are attached for life.

  4. I was never allowed to have pets as a child. We did not have a big backyard and my dad hates fur on the couch. I always liked the idea of having a cat. They are so independent. Cats pay no attention to when you come and go. If they want attention, they ask for it. Dogs are too energetic all of the time. I really liked reading about how you find friendship with your pets. It really is true that they all have different personalities.

  5. I love this post! I'm in Dr. Neale's "Writing for Communication" class and we had to do an audio file based on NPR's "This I Believe" segment. I wrote about dogs and how I believed the bond between human and pet is mutually beneficial! Pets can bring so much happiness and comfort to a human.
    My two dogs are my little brother and sister (and my mom's "children") and we consider them a part of the family. Something about the genuineness that comes from animals and how earnest they are warms my heart; not just dogs but cats too. I wrote about how I think our pets know and see more than you would think.

  6. This is very true! I can relate 100%, I had two dogs Benz and AP. Both dogs were the cutest and were such big babies. AP was a little sneaky/smart thing. He knew exactly when he did something wrong and he would go under the couch as soon as he did it. Benz on the other hand was the baby, we got him when he was just a pup and he was so clumsy. Both dogs were different, but they showed their love and loyalty to me whenever I needed it and that's why animals are so special.

  7. I think your blog was meant for me to read; I related to the entire thing! You included a slight bit of emotion by explaining just how caring your pets can be, without making this a written example of the Sarah McClaughlin commercial. I have found that when I am explaining how my pets know when I am sick to, shall I say "pet-less people", they look at me like I'm medusa with snakes coming out of my head. It really is amazing. I have 4 dogs, and they all LOVE to bark. When anyone in my house is sick, it's like they were given the most ridiculous bark collar in the world- that is, unless something terrible might be happening aside from a leaf blowing in the front yard. Stumbling upon a fellow animal lover is always a nice thing, especially being able to realize you aren't the only crazy one to associate them as family members.

  8. I love this post. I agree with you completely. I currently have a dog and a cat at home. But have had other pets throughout my childhood. Each and everyone of them meant something to me. Especially my dogs. Dogs are definitely "man's best friend", they have the same unconditional love as a parent, possibly even more. I know that whenever I come home I will be greeted by a very happy puppy dog. And I know that when I sit on the floor in the living room, I will be attacked with love. I also think that each animal has a distinct personality, just as we humans do. Each pet I've had, even in the same species, has been different in a way.

    Virginia Sloan
