Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Not for the Claustrophobic

      For over 60 days now 33 Chilean miners have been stuck deep beneath the earth surface.  They remain connected to the world by a small tube which was drilled down into their very small living quarters.  Through that tube officials have passed a video camera which allows them to communicate with the people on the surface.  Before the tube, they minors were forced to ration cans of tuna for up to 2 weeks. Now they receive food which is directly correlated with the amount of calories required to survive in those conditions.  The miners have been stuck underground longer than anyone else in history.  Even with that being the case, they remain positive and have been helping with the drilling efforts themselves so that they can remain in shape and fit into the rescue capsule when it is able to be used.  On the surface where there is sunlight and even a hot breeze, the families of the minors have set up a camp of sorts.  The camp includes professional chefs who cater to the families and even a small school for the minor’s children to attend as they anxiously wait for their fathers return.
     With all that in mind, don’t you think that mining should have newer up to date safety precautions?  With the amount of collapsed mines across the world and the importance of the job, I feel that we should come up with a new way to ensure the safety of another human beings life.  What do you think?

-Miles Kerbein


  1. crazy stuff...watched it live on tv, amazing. Thats some real mental toughness for ya

  2. Yeah I cannot imagine being stuck in a cave for that long. They really stayed positive while being down there and I think that is the main reason they made it through. I thought it was crazy too how they had to wear sunglasses when coming out of the cave. They had $300 Oakleys just to come out of the darkness.

  3. Yeah it is time for newer date safety precautions for miners. Before the Chilean miners hit national coverage, I was unaware of the consistent incidents that occur with miners. I am not sure what needs to be done, however I am certain that something needs to be done.
