Thursday, October 28, 2010

Fall Out

     What is it about this time of year that heightens our sensibilities and imagination? Does the cooler weather force us to look more alive at the leaves fading to the ground while expanding our view of the world? There is chill in the air. Darkness comes faster.
     Our senses magnify and pick up more of everything, like the sonar of a bat searching for its next meal. We keep busy. Actively distracting and distancing ourselves from the summer laid back attitudes becomes - a survival mission. The darkness only comes faster.
     The holidays are sneaking up. Lights and decorations are a nice distraction from the cold winter to come. Darkness cannot manifest itself in light, for the same reason criminals avoid barking dogs. Maybe, that is why tradition leaves a candle burning in the window or a night light on in the home, so we can find our way back.
     We think about our loved ones and are haunted by our own mortality. It is a long and festive season, this time of year. We may even feel intrigued at times to give a little more of ourselves while trying to recover from the tingling bitter cold, of the wind. 
-Julie Post

1 comment:

  1. talking about the gloom of winter and reading this, really opens my eyes to see why people gain weight in the winter. it is the depression of the night creeping up on us so early and the thought of getting out of a warm bed that makes many have no energy or drive. Please let winter pass and summer come back to us.
