Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Social Media

            Social Media, if you were to ask someone fifteen years ago what it was you would be pretty hard pressed to get an answer of what is was or even an example. Nowadays it would be challenging to find someone who was not involved in the craze, whether it be facebook, twitter, my space, etc.  Our society is so wrapped around these things; I personally don’t know what life was like before them. Just think, what do you do when you turn on your computer? Or check your cell phone? What do you do if you meet someone you are interested in? Most likely one of those three answers has something to do with social media. Something I think about sometimes is how far will we go with social media? When will it become just plain old invasion of privacy? We are already at the point where if you wanted to know who is doing what all one has to do is log onto twitter or facebook and snoop around for a bit. Being a person who enjoys there privacy I always find myself having an internal debate with myself with what and what not I should share on certain out lets of social media. So I ask the readers; where do you see social media headed? Will it or has it already gone to far?

-- Ross Radcliffe


  1. I think it has grown to a different level, unexpected. I find it funny when people say there not tech savy when there on their blackberry, BBMing someone. It is really amazing how much things have changed due to technology. BBM is a form of social media, its quick and responsive. Like twitter. The current clothing company Im designing, Switch Threads, has a twitter account. Chad Ochocino is a follower. Gota love it!!

  2. You got to love social media. There is not a day that goes by where I don't check facebook. It's just a way to keep in touch with everyone and see what they're up. Thank god for social media.

    Matt D

  3. I agree with the above comment that it has grown unexpectedly. Who was to know that facebook would one day be the way we communicate with one another rather than face to face. I know kids under the age of 10 who have a facebook account. What's the point of that? Facebook, cell phones and twitter accounts have taken over our lives. It will soon come to be that no one will have the social skills to communicate face to face. We are a technological society now and i dont see that changing anytime soon.

  4. I went to highschool before social media became popular (i.e. before myspace and facebook existed, although I did have a blog...) and I can't imagine what it must be like to go to highschool now that EVERYONE has a facebook. I used to pass notes to my friends, I bet no one does that anymore when you can just text or send a message through facebook, which you can check on your smartphone between classes.
    Anyway I see facebook sticking around, although the idea of social networking may become more ubiquitous as it evolves, as facebook starts bleeding into all other areas of the internet.
    I don't think it's going too far. If it bothers you, don't have a facebook. Also, don't post anything you wouldn't want your mother to see, and you should be fine. I'm friends with my mom on facebook and I think it helps me keep my profile appropriate. If you use social media wisely, it's not an invasion of privacy. It's an opportunity to learn new things and share exciting information. I love it.

  5. I remember the beginning stages of social media and it seems there was a greater appreciation for getting to know people before the explosion of the trend. By clicking around or "facebook stalking" you can almost find anything about anyone. To the point, privacy is gone unless you are very careful about what you post about yourself and what you allow people to put up on your page.

  6. Social media has helped our world in so many ways most people do not even realize it. If you asked someone if they were addicted to facebook, some would say yes but some would say no even though they check it daily without even realizing that they are addicted. There are different levels of addiction with social media and I think that in some way everyone is addicted to it. Every time someone pulls up a story from twitter or talks about a facebook status, they are spreading the word about social media and making it grow so rapidly that most people do not know how to handle it.

  7. I too enjoy my privacy. It is important to me that I find ways to keep my information private even though we are in a world so immersed with social media. Social media is an important part of our culture, and can be beneficial. I believe that if we use it in appropriate ways, it will not be taken to a level that is considered "too far."

  8. It is crazy to think now a days how many people use facebook or twitter, as much as i dont lie to admit every time i sign on the internet facebook is probably the first place i go. Technology is still advancing, just like when you walk into a verizon wireless store or AT&T, the phones you see are all smart phones. Our generation is really moving forward compared to our parents, where my dad has trouble going through his contacts on his phone. It is only going to improve and make using technology easier for people.

  9. Social media is so neat to be apart of but I do feel that there will be a time that it will go too far. I love social networking but the invasion of privacy has started to become an issue. Technology is really neat with the changes it has everyday. I see it going in a great direction giving us the chance to do things that will be easier for communication. Although, it can't override our traditional communication.

  10. Chris Watson:

    After reading this article , it really makes me think that social media has gone to far. I just had an episode last night where I was all upset after reading somethings I had seen on twitter. If we, as people, kept some of our personal lives to oursevles and didn't post them on social media sites, there would be less drama in the world. Though I do enjoy my twitter, because it is another outlet for me to vent or just talk about my day, I feel that I should be able to do those same things with other human beings. That is something that our society has let go; face to face communication.

  11. There really cant be any invasion of privacy concerning social media. Whatever people decide to put on their respective pages, they are putting out for public views. If they decide to put something personal on their facebook page, then they have decided to allow others to see what they are doing. Social Media is headed down the same road that it is on right now. There really cant be invasion of privacy or too much information put out there, because these people have made a personal decision to allow others to see it.

    --Clay Hanback

  12. Our technology has definitely grown fast and unexpectedly. Cell phones, facebook, twitter have definitely become our most common forms of communication. I know that before I left for college my mom and I would talk and see each other everyday but now that I am about 8 hours away ffrom her and dont have a lot of time to talk, we are always talking on facebook and texting and we even skype so that we can see each other. Using technology as communication is great to be able to keep in touch with people but sometimes it is just too much. People rely too much on technology to communicate and sooner or later we will lose our face-to-face communication skills.
