Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Facebook Today

              On October 1st The Social Network opened in theaters to great fanfare. Not surprising considering it was written by Aaron Sorkin, and directed by David Fincher. Both gentleman are at the top of their game, and push hard to make great movies. It seems like Facebook is in the news a lot lately actually. As a company, and a social network they continue to grow like gang -busters each year as more and more people create accounts all around the world. However, it’s not just the Facebook movie that’s giving this site its monumental presence in our lives today, and it’s not just the Facebook site. The power of Facebook in our lives today is very quickly being recognized through one thing you may have not considered, the “like” button. As many are aware Facebook thrives because of its ability to link to any other site. There are over two million websites on the Internet now that are Facebook linking ready according to an article on CNN.com. This means that Facebook has officially established itself as one of only a few central hubs of the Internet. Where, information from many various sources, including original user content, converges in one large portal. What will this mean for Facebook as a website? Will it be solidified, and last? Will it do what its predecessors, such as Myspace, could not? Or will it reach critical mass and slowly die off, going the way of so many other .com’s? It’s hard to say, but for now at least its safe to say that in the preverbal boxing ring that is the internet, Facebook is still raining champ until further notice.

- M. Tilley

                                                                                                                                       Link:  CNN Article


  1. Did you get to see the Facebook movie? I enjoyed it quite a bit.

  2. I did not go attend the facebook movie and don't plan to. Although this social media outlet is a great way to keep up with friends from around the country especially when you participate in a sport where you travel quite a bit and don't always get to see your close friends, I feel that it will eventually fizzle out like past media outlets such as myspace and others. I feel in the beginning this was just a way for college students to communicate, now it's turned into an advertising machine.

  3. I would completely agree with this article. Facebook is everywhere, from apps on our phones to links mentioned on CNN news outlets. There is so much information flying around the world wide web, due in part to Facebook and its popularity. Facebook gives us something that other websites don't: accessibility. Accessibility to friends from grade school, and people we have yet to meet...let alone all the companies and organizations that are expanding their technological horizons. In my opinion this is a ship that won't go down for quite a while.

    -Amanda Martin

  4. It was very interesting to see the rapid growth of facebook. I used to be a myspace user and I remember when facebook was first introduced. It was only allowed for college students and was not available to everyone. It is really crazy, how almost over night myspace became dropped by its users and all of my "friends" stopped using it. I have not seen the facebook movie, but I will most likely wait till it comes out on DVD. Like we did with facebook when will we noticed that new program? Twitter is not a replacement for facebook so currently it seems as if that product is not out there. I agree with your article facebook is on top of the world right now and it seems like they will rein as the top social network for some time now

  5. Indeed Matt. The Facebook movie is bringing more and more publicity to Facebook. The "liking" concept is everywhere. Businesses, restaurants, sports teams, companies, and others all advertise to follow them on Facebook for special offers or discounts. Some of my friends "like" hundreds of links which is great advertising. I think that Facebook is here to stay. I think that what email did to the generation before us, Facebook will be for this generation. It will be the way to communicate.

    -Calvin Lescault

  6. You are right Facebook everywhere, I did not go see the movie but with good actors and even having Justin Timberlake in it probably drew in all kinds of people. I do agree with the comment above that accessibility has a lot to do with it also because I know I am from a different state and it helps for me to keep in touch with my friends from back home. The only thing I think that will make Facebook start to slow down is when they start making people pay for it, for example now you can go to Target and buy 15 credits for Facebook games or something, if this continues this would be the only way I think this fad will fade.

  7. I think it's less of a matter of which social media outlet is at the top of the list: most users are on multiple websites at the same time. Facebook is simply the most versatile of social media-- it has chat, a blog-like feature, groups, photos... Let's be honest. Twitter is about updates. Tumblr is about blog entries, photos, and self-expression. Facebook does the best job of combining all aspects of online communication.
