Monday, November 1, 2010

iPad for 5 Year Olds?

I was watching NBC news the other day and they were talking about how it is not uncommon for a 5 year old to have an iPad as their main toy. Apparently a lot of companies have made applications for very young children that are interactive and help them learn. There are lots of games for children and educational apps out there. The news station also said that the hot item this Christmas is going to be the iPad, mainly for young children. They recommended that if you give a child an iPad, that it is only theirs because you wouldn’t want to have your own inappropriate apps on there for them to see. I think it is amazing that people can afford to give their child a $500 piece of equipment. Honestly, I would never give my child an iPad because I would be afraid that they would break it and not to mention, it is very expensive. I do agree that the applications available are great, but I think they would be just as happy with some Fisher Price toys. It is amazing how much our society relies on technology currently. Would you buy one of these for your 5-year-old child?  

-Clay Chapman


  1. I agree with you clay. I dont understand why a 5 yr old would need an ipad. I understand that they can read books with it and theres plenty of games that they can play but I would think thats a pretty advanced and expensive piece of equipment for a kid that young. I would never buy one of these for a child that young, I doubt i would even by my 5 yr old kid a cell phone.


  2. And again, this just shows the stupid decisions that some parents make. What are the benefits from giving a child a ipad? Or what are the benefits from having a parent who makes a decision like that? If kids break cheap toys such as action figures or dolls, what makes the Ipad any different? This only corroborates the fact that, the economy has yet to affect everyone. l

  3. I think it is very stupid for someone to buy their kid an IPAD. There is no way that they would be able to take care of it properly and that would be a waste of 500 dollars. This current generation of kids seems to be losing their imagination. The more that Parents replace traditional toys with computers or other digital "toys" I think that they will miss out on something that all kids should love. Everyone remembers their favorite toys and most of them were cheap and plastic. We tore them to pieces and most of them did not last very long. This is what will happen if parents buy their kids Ipads, they will get tore up and will not last very long.

  4. It seems as though everyone complains about how badly the economy is but is it really that bad where you have enough money to buy christmas presents that are over $500 for a little kid who might drool on in or throw it at your head, no thank you. I mean of course if I had money to blow on anything and everything I would buy my kid the world, but it doesn't seem like an iPad is a very reasonable gift. I agree that the kids would be just as happy with a Fisher Price toy especially because then you could buy them 5 toys and not just one iPad, next they will be buying the kids cell phones and telling them to call them at preschool. Great topic :)

  5. It is very amazing how technology has changed over the years. I remember when I was 5 yrs old, I was playing with Mighty Morphin Power Rangers Action Figures. I wasn't even allowed to touch my older brother's Sega Genesis. Now, 5 yr olds are playing with $500 pieces of equipment. I would NEVER by my child an ipad because children are more inclined to mis-use it a ultimately break it. If i were a parent nowadays and wanted my children to use the apps on an ipad, I would use heavy monitoring on what apps they were using. I would sit down with my child while they were playing the children apps

  6. Chris Watson:

    I would have to agree with the Clay on this topic. Buying an iPad for a 5 year old is a bit too much! Children that age dont even know how to read and write properly; therefore, why spend so much money on something so high tech for them to play with as a toy. It doesn't make any sense to me at all. This si also showing how the elimination of outside play is slowly but surely being extinct. For Christmas, a 5 year old should be getting a bike or a skateboard to go outside and play with their friends together. An iPad would simply allow the child to stay inside he house all day. I feel that technology may be getting a little out of hand with this step here, but I gues we'll have to see how it goes once Christmas has passed.

  7. I think that buying a kid an ipad is ridiculous. I don't think they should have such a pricey item at such a young age...and yes, they would probably break it. I also believe that this isn't a good way to entertain your kid at such a young age, we all know how addictive gadgets like this can be and I just think that kids should be playing outside, instead of downloading apps into their ipads. Technology is trying to overtake every aspects of our lives and definitely don't think that this should be one of them.
