Tuesday, November 9, 2010


            Most of us all do it, whether or not we admit to it is another story. What I am talking about is downloading! Movies, music, software etc can now all be found on the Internet free of charge. Now the fact of the matter is, being a college student, who has a lot of debit and no money to his name like myself, downloading is a definite attractive way to get my fix. Now I know its wrong and by downloading I am not supporting the creators of the product, but its right there and its hard not to!!! To be honest this is the first time I have even thought about this subject. I bet many of you are the same way. Do you even think that you are stealing when you are downloading a new song or movie? Or do you not even see it as stealing? I am interested to see what you all think about this subject because it is something that is so current and heavily debated upon in our society. For example, hip-hop artist T-pain has recently stated that he will not release another album unless the music market becomes substantially better. This is a result of people not buying their music anymore. It says nothing about the quality of the music being produced, but that it’s just not worth buying when your able to sit at your computer and get it within seconds. So that’s enough about what I think, tell me what you guys think!? I’m excited to see what you guys have to say!

-- Ross Radcliffe

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