Thursday, October 25, 2012

Meet the new boss. Just like the old boss. The iPhone 5

     It finally got here, my 64 gb black iPhone 5. This posting will entail a short synopsis of the iPhone 5. The anticipation of unboxing it was killing me when I received the shipped notification from Verizon. While unboxing it I immediately could tell that it was lighter. Once in my hands it almost felt like a toy phone compared to my iPhone 4s, especially with Apple getting rid of the glass back and replacing it with lighter slate type material that almost feels like the same material used on the MacBook Pro and MacBook Air. The weight reduction was beyond noticeable to the point where I was nervous to even hold it. However, within the past few days I’ve gotten used to the weight reduction and now my iPhone 4s feels like a brick compared to the 5. 
     Oh yeah, it’s lightening fast too. Downloading my pervious apps in the LTE (4g) mode was quicker than ever. With the screen being slightly larger some apps were even enhanced for the resolution of the iPhone 5. This has been the first time in iPhone history that Apple has increased the screen size. It’s more but yet less at the same time. 
       The camera on the 5 is fairly similar if not the exact same as the camera on the 4s; however, the front facing camera has been up dated. There is a new user interface that came with the iOS6 for Music; it simply works and boy is it even smoother on the 5. The entire phone operates seamlessly, this is thanks to the A6 chip within the 5, the new boss, just like the old boss but even better. There is a noticeable increase in battery life, my phone was fully charged yesterday and today at 5:07 pm it still has 18% remaining; not bad considering I’ve been texting, playing around with Siri, and browsing my apps. 
     All in all, the iPhone 5 raises the bar again. Apple took the iPhone 4/4s and said how can we make it better. They didn’t come on with an iPhone that is totally different. I feel iPhone users like to know what they are getting, they don’t want to figure out how to work something. From the second I placed the 5 in my hand I knew exactly what I was getting but yet got so much more at the same time. 

Krisztian Martin 


  1. I am glad that I read this. I am not a fan of Apple or any of its products, but a coworker of mine really put me onto the iPhone 5. He described to me what was so special about it, and he answered every single question I had about it. He told me that he had his iPhone for years, whereas I, with my history of buying Android phones, had to purchase three phones in the past two years. I'd rather pay an expensive price for a great and lasting device than pay the same amount for a phone I have to keep replacing.

    Aniyah (Yasmeen) Pendleton

  2. Its nice to see someone's opinion on the 5 that isn't so negative. People now expect such big things from apple and since the 5 wasn't some spectacular phone, everybody started complaining. I frankly don't think apple needs to do with their phones anymore until their next big breakthrough. Until then they should focus on fixing all the small things that can make the phone more user friendly which is what they did with the iphone 5.

  3. I understand the iPhone 5 has a larger screen and is lighter, but I feel as if this, along with the A6 chip, fails as a true upgrade. It's changing a screen size. For any other company this is standard: they produce phones with different screen sizes and resolutions, and they also produce phones with different specs. The difference is when a new generation of these systems come out, much of the wiring of the hardware and the coding of the software are new and improved. iOS6 feels like a patch to a prior OS, not a new OS as a whole, and the A6 chip is basically the only knew hardware (enlarging a screen is nothing new in the market). I like Apple, I really enjoy some of their products, but lately they seem to be doing very little innovation and a lot of "improvements" to their designs. Innovation should be carried out with improvements to older systems, and hopefully Apple can start to separate the two again. -Daniel

  4. I have just recently purchased the iPhone 5 as well. Thus far I have been very impressed with the new capabilities that come with it. However, there are multiple things that I have not been fond of. One in particular is the new iMaps. The system is supposed to work more like a GPS, but has consistently failed me in my quest to find simple destinations. I have gotten lost multiple times and that's not exactly what I am looking for from my GPS. Also the new software doesn't seem to hold up when it comes to group messaging. Every group message I have been involved with has completely frozen my phone for a period of time. That being said, overall I think Apple has done an outstanding job and these small defects will be remove with in a short period of time.

    Mike Reed

  5. i have heard some really great things about the Iphone 5. The few people i know that have one seem to enjoy it. However, in my opinion the majority of people that have the Iphone 4, or 4s seem to think that it is not worth payong the extra money for the Iphone 5. I too am one of those people. I have the 4s right now and i don't think it would be worth the extra money it would cost me to get the Iphone 5, i do not think it has changed that much. That being said enjoy it and i am jealous of you for having it.

  6. Wow the Iphone 5! I have never been an Iphone user so I am very jealous. It seems like a cool fun and I hope you are enjoying all of the new things that you could not do before. I have heard a little about the new Iphone but since I am apart of T-mobile and they do not have the Iphone i choose not to listen. You are so lucky but I am going to still enjoy my little android and make it the best gadget I have had ever! Haha
