Thursday, October 11, 2012

Fall in love with Fall

     I have one true indicator that I use to justify that fall is just around the corner. The release of the pumpkin Spice Latté at Starbucks. I'm excited! Not only because of the ridiculous amounts of money I'm going to spend on decadent lattés, (I just became a Gold member- not sure if that's good or bad..) but also for other essential fall elements that come along with the auburn and red leaves twirling in the air as they, well, fall. (That was a very unintentional pun.)

     I can't wait for the not one, but two trips to the pumpkin patch with my eleven-year-old brother, Casen. The first trip, usually the first week in October, we take them home and immediately carve the coolest pumpkin of all the Halloween's in the past. And then the inevitable second, because the first ones have curled inward into an unidentifiable mess, and they smell so bad that our mom makes us throw them out. (This is usually about three days before Halloween. How convenient for Casen!)

Me and Case after his game. Go Titans!
     Speaking of Casen, fall also means that it's time for football and watching my little man tear up the field. Although he's the shortest one on the team, and I swear he is incapable of gaining any fat on his body, he's an awesome QB and as long as he keeps his head down, he can knock the wind out of even the kid twice his size on the opposing team. With him being eleven, and I twenty-two (almost!), I cheer him on with the enthusiasm and nerves as if he were my own son. His games beat any Friday night highschool game, any Saturday at Williams-Brice stadium, and any Panthers Sunday. (Which I attended this past weekend. Disappointing to say the least.)

     I can see it now, Thanksgiving with the family, wrapped in sweaters or flannel shirts with the football games on. Sipping apple cider and sneaking slices of ham when my mom isn't looking before we sit down to eat. Then looking forward to Christmas, and please take note that I said AFTER Thanksgiving, NOT Halloween. While I love Christmas carols on the radio, they old after hearing them for two months straight.

     Anyways, I'd like to give a warm welcome to Fall, and I mean, REALLY warm, because I cringe at the thought of it dropping below seventy degrees.

Brittani Pedersen


  1. Reading about your fall traditions with your brother and mom made me homesick for my own family. I can't wait to go home for break and admire all the beautiful fall colors while sipping on my mom's homemade apple cider and take a visit or two to the pumpkin patch! Much like you I also get excited when the Pumpkin Spice beverages at Starbucks (although I've usually indulged in a few too many by the time the leaves start to fall). This post was very warm and heartfelt- one that I think may will be able to relate to. Great post!

    1. Adair,

      I hope your fall break was fabulous and you got to spend time with your family and celebrate fall!
      I'm already sick of pumpkin spice lattés too unfortunately. :(
      Thinking I might have to grab some apple cider now that you bring it up!

  2. I love the fall as well. I must say that it is one of my favorite seasons because I love the clothing that is worn during this time. It is not that cold yet which is perfect for me because I get to wear sweaters. I also cringe at the thought of it being to cold but I do not mind because my favorite holiday of the year is Christmas. I love to hear the christmas carols as well as spend time with my family. We have never had a tradition of carving pumpkins, but I would like to one day do that because it sounds so fun. I have a little brother as well and I want him to experience things that I never got to experience before. He is to young to play football but I am sure he will try at some point. Fall is a great season and I am so happy it has approached. Great post!

  3. Autumn is my favorite seasons. It is when life starts filling up with pleasant activities. This post made me reflect about all of the reasons I love fall. Looking at trees becomes a delight to my eyes. Fall is the kickoff to not only the football season, but also the holiday season. Most people are well immersed in school by now and have many activities to attend. There is a strong kinetic energy about this time of year. People are excited.

    Another aspect that I love is the change in wardrobe. Scarves and sweaters are very cozy. There is nothing like sitting under that stars on a cool Autumn night while you face is gently caressed by the subtle warmth of the bonfire. My heart is warmed by this time of year, as much as the fire does.

  4. I love when Fall comes around because there are so many new things happening. Between the State Fair, Football Games, and the Christmas countdown starting. However the cold weather is not one of my favorites. I am a forever summertime girl. The hotter the better in my book. But, yes, Fall is an awesome time of year, not too cold and not too hot!
