This Sunday it was noticeable that many players were going somewhat half speed when it came to laying big hits. Also, it seemed as though there were more and more people hiting the opposition then instantly putting their hands in the air as if to say they didn’t do anything wrong. Is fining and suspending players because of a hit the right decision by the NFL? Personally, I feel as though it is somewhat hypocritical, because the NFL is known as the most physical sport in the world and that is one of the major reason they sell tickets. If people wanted to watch athletes run around and avoid contact they could just watch soccer. Football is football because of the collisions and speed involved. Personally I feel as though players should receive penalties and warnings before a large fine and suspensions similar to that dumped on James Harrison this past week. What do you think, should the NFL continue to soften the game of football or should they leave it be?
-Miles Kerbein
this is ridiculous, majority of helmet to helmet hits are unintentional i feel like the nfl lost a little bit of its intensity from this one rule change.