Monday, December 6, 2010

XBox Kinect Injuries

While reading a tech blog this weekend, I read about injuries that are related to the new Xbox Kinect system. Apparently a lot of people have been getting minor injureies when playing various kinect xbox games. A good amount of people are getting hurt because you have to sometimes flair your arms, legs, and body to do certain things in the game. In one YouTube video, I saw a father and son playing a Kinect game. The kid playing was about 12 years old and came up to his dad’s waist and his dad did a move and elbowed the kid really hard in the face.  The system itself warns you to make sure that the area is clear of any obstacles that may get in your way during gaming. I also saw a video of two guys playing tennis and one guy went to serve and he slammed his hand into the ceiling extremely hard. Honestly, I think some people are just being stupid when it comes to Xbox Kinect. You just need to use common sense with the games and not stand right beside someone who is using violent motions while playing the game. What do you think about these injuries? Do you think they are Microsoft’s fault or just bad judgement on the players?   

 -Clay Chapman

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