Tuesday, November 30, 2010

North vs. South

Recently I was home for Thanksgiving break , and I realized just how much I really miss the north. The south is great and all but just doesn't have that extra flare that only the north can provide. Charlotte is a great city if you are looking to start a family but really just is not for the average college student, its small with not much night life and everything closes early! When I was home in Philly not only did me and my friend pauls night begin late , at 12 am, but even when it ended close to 4 am , there were plenty of things still open to allow us to either grab something to eat or drink.
I guess the best example of how the North is just better suited for me would start at my appetite. I'm hungry 24/7. In Charlotte if you get hungry on a weekday at 3 am the only place that has something to eat is the gas station. At home if I got The 3am hunger on a weekday, I have at least 10 different food places around me that can satisfy my hunger. One in specific ( my favorite ) has to be Wawa , its just heaven in a store , and being open 24/7 it will never disappoint me! Wawa alone makes me miss the north but overall I'd say I just miss being in a city that has a pulse!

-Jason Cuzzupe


  1. I completely agree, the north is superior to the south in almost every way. People tend to be smarter and sharper as well. :-) The south is too hot in the summer and the north is perfect. and who doesnt love snow?

  2. i agree. however there is something about charlotte and gets me coming back. its a love hate relationship i would say. im here for 3 months love it and cant wait to leave it...just to come back again

  3. For hose who are unaware of what WAWA is, you should probably get in a car and start driving north until u find one. They are the world nicest, cleanest, most well stocked, "Mini Mart" there is. One day if were all lucky they'll be nation wide.

  4. I can't tell you how many of my friends from up North talk about Wawa! I agree, things do close pretty early around here; however, I was born and raised in Charlotte, so I'm used to it. I think Charlotte is just more family oriented, therefore, things don't stay open as late. It's a great place to raise a family, though!

  5. I cant wait till i get my first WAWA
