The sun goes through phases, if you weren’t aware. In his new book
Chasing The Sun, author Richard Cohen explains that the sun is due for some serious activity between 2010 and 2012. Could this be a part of the ancient Mayan prophesy? This over activity will mean that the sun will eject billions of tons of hot matter called coronal mass ejections into space. This probably means earth is doomed, right? Well be melted by globs of sun matter in the year 2012. Not likely. The fact is that the sun goes through this cycle every few years. It’s happened plenty of times since man has been on earth. In fact, observing this event is possibly one of the ways the Mayans were able to use the sky to predict cosmic events so well. Weather or not one of these coronal mass ejections will blow earth to bits is hard to calculate. There very sporadic, and hard to predict. However, from what can be calculated the likely hood is quite small. So really, it’s not even that important of an event for earth. That is if it were a normal part of the cycle. What is being theorized is that this particular cycle will reach a solar maximum of activity. Meaning that the sun will be emitting stronger coronal ejections than in a usual cycle. So basically, were all doomed. Sorry.
ReplyDeleteI love lamp
ReplyDeleteWhat will be , will be !! Long live the empire of the sun !
ReplyDeleteSo, we're all going to die? Fantastic. Well, at least now I know that I've only got a few months to live, so I might as well make the most of it. Anyone wanna marry me? Anyone? Come on, the sun is gonna kill us all by the end of the year anyway; do you really want to die before getting married? That reminds me--anyone got any weed?