Thursday, September 13, 2012

Let's Make History!

   Over the last week I have been participating in the Democratic National Convention. I was lucky enough to land an internship (paid whoop whoop) with ABC News. I have to tell you that there is so much more that goes on behind the scenes of any news program than you may think. Anchors running about with their producers and camera men following close behind, phones ringing left and right, and the constant emails are only a few of the hectic qualities of news. 

   Before the DNC my Comm 360 class spoke a lot about what this convention will mean for Charlotte. During the DNC my fellow runners and I spoke about how thrilling it was to be a part of this historical event, but after the convention the talk has taken a drastic turn. The news stories no longer talk about the impact on Charlotte, or the experience for those participating, but on how the DNC has affected President Obama’s chances of being re-elected. 
   While watching CNN (I know, I worked for ABC, ahh I’m a traitor!) I noticed that the majority of the conversation was about the Presidents speech and weather or not it allowed the public to see a clear view of what the next four years may look like. There was talk of the Bush depression (their words not mine) and the confidence that the Democrats have now that the DNC has ended. 
   After having a first hand look at the people, protesters, media and government officials, I believe that (regardless of your political affiliation) the DNC was a huge success. The President has an amazing team, and Charlotte has an outstanding Convention Committee. I think that everyone can safely say that our President has made an impact on Charlotte that will last not only our lifetime but the lifetimes of our children to come. 
Until next time
- Jenna Buthman

1 comment:

  1. Good point here. I think we should also consider something else the DNC does to Charlotte. Besides banking, which isn't the best term to throw around when talking about Charlotte, considering Ken Lewis is still running around here somewhere around SouthPark. I feel the DNC has put Charlotte on the map, think about how the DNC was broadcasted alllllllll over the nation. I'm pretty sure the people who didn't know where Charlotte is or what Charlotte is all about know now. Setting aside my non-partisan political affiliation, it's great that the DNC was here!! Get Charlotte out there!
