Sunday, December 12, 2010

Wikileak this.

            With Wikileaks being the main topic of discussion on almost every news channel, it is hard to avoid.  For those of you who live under a rock, Wikileaks is a whistle blowing website known for releasing information not intended for release.  This case is no different.  Recently, Wikileaks released over 200,000 United States classified cables to the public causing media hysteria.  The links discussed topics ranging from our relationship with our allies to the relationships with Middle Eastern countries and unstable Iran.  Here is the debate which has so many people riled up, should Wikileaks found Julian Assange (who is currently arrested in the UK for sexual assault charges) be targeted by a United States investigation, or should he be allowed to walk the streets a free man.  Many people feel as though he was just doing his job and providing information to civilians.  However in doing so he put the United States at risk.  The Army Sergeant responsible for leaking the information to Assange is Bradley Manning.  I believe that Manning should be charged for treason.  He leaked classified documents to a public website knowing the intent and putting our nation at risk.  This has the making to be a widely contested debate, so let me hear what you think, should Assange and Manning be set free, or should they be prosecuted to the fullest.
Thanks for Reading,
-Miles Kerbein 

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