Thursday, December 2, 2010

Viral Video Fame

           In the current era we are in fame is something desired by many, but only achieved by so few. People will go to any extent to become famous. If you were to recall last year’s infamous balloon boy incident, where a fame-obsessed dad went to all knew lengths to try and become famous. Or you can look at people like the Kardashians! Who to be honest I don’t even know why there famous. But with changes in technology and where the public’s attention is we are seeing a new type of fame, and that would be viral fame. Long gone are the days where one has to be a talented actress, singer, or athlete to be famous. In are they days where all it takes is a odd man on a mountain looking at a double rainbow to be famous. I don’t have anything negative to say about the viral video stars, I actually credit them for putting stuff out there to be viewed by the world and I guess there are the odd cases such as Justin Bieber who end up making a successful career out of it. But I want to know what you guys think about the viral video stars. Do you see this trend continuing or something that will dye off in the long run? I personally think its here to stay! I posted some links below of some of my favorite viral videos.

--Ross Radcliffe



  1. this trend is most certainly on it's uprise. we see the emergence of talent and web combined to create career for many individuals. however like all things, i feel this too will be improve as technology increases. Who knows, maybe one day we'll see holograms of people from our phone. Hey, who knows...

  2. Ross, I am writing to you anonymously to ask...arnt you a viral video sensation as well? I do believe so....or am i mistaken with another Ross Radcliff.

  3. Its very true that today the lines of celebrity have been blurred.
    Once upon a time, those who were famous had a clear distinction from those who were not. Now, because of things like youtube, you don't need to go through others to get your media out to the world. Now the true distinction of fame will depend entirely on how entertaining you can be, and not how much you can be promoted.

  4. its funny how society worship a pre-pubescent little girl like justin bieber. But it is wild how fast and easy it is to get famous nowadays your just one embarrassing moment away from reaching number one on youtubes view list . i love ross.

  5. I just think it's hilarious that Justin is even in the same picture as Kim.

  6. Just gotta Keep on Given'r

  7. i appreciate the love. it is weird how being at the right place at the right time caught on tape can now make you famous.

  8. I agree with you, Ross. I think this trend is just beginning. We're so interested in observing what goes on in other people's lives, hence, the reason, we're constantly watching crazy youtube videos with people brave enough to put their most embarrassing moments on the web. Also, reality TV is trending now. I know I'd rather watch a reality TV show over a regular sitcom any day. It's funny how things are changing in the entertainment industry.

  9. I understand where you are coming from, however I do not completely agree. The Kardashians were famous before they had their hit show on E! They all were promoting products, mostly clothing, we just did not hear about them as much as we do now. As for other people, like YouTube stars such as the "Double Rainbow Man," they may be famous, but only for a little while, it's like 15 minutes of fame. They can only continue their careers in this type of industry if they are talented, so I guess I agree with you on the fact that it is easy to get your name out there in the public, but it is just as hard to keep it there. Only the best of the best have continued to be successful, not because of doing something weird and getting on YouTube, but because they are actually talented.
