Friday, December 3, 2010

The Privilege of Choosing

     What is more unnerving: finishing off the fall semester with an overload of 17 credit hours, what was I thinking, or contemplating the job market potential?
      Maybe I should go to grad school. This is more of a dilemma than a choice. You cannot make a decision solely based on earning potential. Look at the banking industry.
      I have a friend who is a small business owner. Half of all the businesses he has dealt with over the years are gone. They provided at one time a livelihood for their families and number of employees along with insurance. They do not exist anymore.
      Yet somehow he has survived and over the past few months business has increased. Is the economy coming back from recession and slowly from the depression of lost jobs and homes?
      News stories everywhere are stating that spending is up this year in Christmas sales. It’s a hard call about what to do. But, like the last few years, I cannot base my decisions solely on finances. I need to build a life and something I can bank on.

-Julie Post

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